Chapter 11: Vipik Gym Battle

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Ash and his friends arrive at Vipik City, a place where the second gym is. While walking on the street, they find Damien waiting there and Ash says, "Hey, Damien!"

Damien sees them and says, "Hi, guys. Are you here to take on the Vipik City Gym?"

Nora says, "Yeah, what about you? Have you got the gym badge yet?"

"Not yet, I am just getting ready." Damien says. "I mean...I'm sure that you guys won't have much trouble...after all, knowing that you guys are chosen as well."

The words cause Nora widens her eyes, Ash and the others are nervous as they look around, they don't want anyone to hear about this. Nora demands, "How do you know about it?"

Before Damian can say anything, Ash says, "Well, we kind of told him back at Tenlor Town, since we were chased by Darkrai Cults back then..."

Knowing that nobody has heard of it, Lillie says, "But truly, Damien, we shouldn't talk about it loud, nobody's supposed to know about that."

Emily says, "You're right, by the way, Nora, you said that there was a prophecy or something, right?"

"Of course." Nora says. "About the ones with the chosen are destined to stop the cults. I don't think I need to explain that again, right?"

"I guess not." Damien says, "Anyways, good luck at the Gym! I'm going to go train a bit then take it on myself."

"Okay, I'll see you later." Ash says as they head towards the Gym, Damien is walking towards the Pokemon Center, but suddenly, he feels somebody grabs his shoulder. "Huh? Can I..."

But before he can say anything, the person with the blue cloak punches him in the gut and he is knocked out. "Mission success." The girl says as she starts to drag him to the Vipik Dump, after leaving the letter on the ground in front of the Pokemon Center.

Once they leave, Nurse Joy notices the letter as she picks it up, seeing that it is for a person named Ash Ketchum, so she decides to keep it until this Ash Ketchum comes to her center.

Back with Ash and his friends, Nora is pondering and Ash asks, "Is there something wrong?"

Nora shakes her head and says, "Nothing. It is you think Damien will be Chosen like us? It seems to be possible..."

"I don't know. But I guess he would have Legendary if it comes to him." Ash replies as they enter the gym, which turns out to be a forest-like theme.

"Orion says that Xavier, the gym leader of this city, runs a Forest-themed Gym." Gladion says. "And it is a dual-type with Bug and Poison as well."

"I am not worried." Ash says. "I think we are ready to face him."

Then they climb into the hole in the trees to find the way to Orion, also battling some gym trainers who are blocking their path. In the end, they finally find the battlefield and Xavier is waiting for them.

"What's good? The name is Xavier. I train Pokemon as a profession, I am the leader here."

After introducing themselves, Xavier says, "Oh my, I can't believe that we have two children of the first Augur here. So are you here to battle?"

"I mean, we did come here for a battle." Nora says. "Nice to say the obvious."

"Sweet! So who should battle me first?" Xavier asks.

Ash decides to battle first, then Xavier says, "You'll know, I am not as much of a pushover as I look. Plus...I have a little surprise up my sleeve! Let's get started."

As they go to the battlefield, the referee says, "The match between the Vipik Gym Leader Xavier and the challenger Ash Ketchum is about to begin, each trainer will be using six Pokemon."

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