Chapter 19 A Gym or a Cult Battle?

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Ash and his friends head on the stairs and see the Sky Cult everywhere in the tower, Damian says, "Damn it...there are too many of them..."

"We need the plan." Ash says. "But what?"

Nora says, "How about we use Mew's ability to transform into Sky Cults?"

Lillie says, "That will work." Once they use Mew's ability to transform, they sneak up to the tower without being noticed, after they reach the fourth floor, they see a gym logo in front of them.

"So it is like Lumiose City, where the gym is in the tower..." Ash says.

"But we are not here for the gym, right?" Emily says. "We are here to see our father."

"You're right." Damian says as they take off their costume and enter the gym. Emily and Alice decide to stay back and let Ash and the others talk to Jaern first so that he won't be suspicious."

Once they enter the gym, Damian says, "Alright, are you really? First, we have to fake warn the Augur that the Sky Cult is on its way up!"

Nora says, "And we tell them that they will blackmail him into summoning Rayquaza."

Once they nod, they go inside and see Jaern talking to another person in the room.

"Yes, sir. Everything is ready upstairs. We can-" The man says, but Jaern sees the five people entering the room and he says, "Well, well, well. Isn't this a sight for sore eyes? Are that Damian and Ash, as well as Lillie and Gladion from Telnor Town? And you are..."

"I am Nora, I am Ash's brother." Nora says calmly.

"Oh, it is nice to meet you, but I must ask - why are you here?" Jaern asks. "Was it to challenge our gym? If it was, you're in luck! East here is our very own Sky-themed Gym Leader. He both excels in Flying and Dragon Types."

"N-no sir...we're here because...because..." Damian says.

"This is no time to stutter, Damien." Nora yells at him. "We overheard members of the Sky Cult talking! They want to summon Rayquaza, and they plan to blackmail you into helping them!"

Jaern is surprised that they know about Sky Cult's plan, but then he thinks that there is no point hiding from them and he turns dark. "That is a serious problem. You're positive about this? Are you sure you heard what they said correctly?"

Lillie asks, "What did you mean?"

"If so, then this certainly is a problem. Out of all times to come, of course, they'd pick now. I hope this wouldn't have to happen...but what's done is done. Come on out! Guys!"

Then they see a bunch of Sky Cultists rush from the back room and surround five people, much to their surprise.

"H-huh? What's going on?" Damian asks in shock.

"I am sorry about this, Damian, I truly am. You were so youthful and bright...It can't be helped, though. You heard my cultists say, and I can't let you leave with a chance you might connect the dots."

"So it is true after all, you are the leader of the Sky Cult!" Gladion yells at him.

"Surprised? You shouldn't be. When you think about it, it's pretty obvious. I created Sky Cult several years ago, just before the Augur disappeared. We were a small group at first, a rag-tag band who were united by the desire for one thing. Change."

Jearn steps down from the stage and says, "You see, Augur was the perfect hero of the people. Along with his partner, Hoopa, he defeated cult after cult, trying to bring good values to the people of Torren, such as peace, love...and mercy. At first, I agreed with his idea, which is why I let my children teach under him."

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