Chapter 33: The Infernal Cult

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Ash and the group leave the Nasca Cave as they are at the Murk Forest. Emily says, "Geez...this place is foggy...I can't see a thing."

"Yeah..." Ash says, but then they can't see anyone besides him. "Guys, can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear." Gladion says, but then they hear screams coming from Nora.

"Nora!" Ash yells, but he can't find her since the fog. "Where are you?"

"Help! Brother!" They hear the faint scream, so they follow the noise until Ash feels something on the ground.

"A Spider Web?" Emily asks, just then, they are also being tied up with silk and raised into the air.

"Brother, everyone." Nora says as she sees them also being tied up.

"Great, now we can see everyone...but not in a good way." Taen says.

"So who did this to us?" Ash asks.

Just then, a yellow and black stripe spider-like Pokemon appears in front of them. "Is that a Delta Pokemon?" Gladion asks.

"A Persuado Legendary as well...Delta Metagross, Spider Form." Alice says.

"Spider form? There is a second form?" Ash asks.

"There is a Ruin Form as well." Taen says. "But I think that he is looking at us with hungry eyes..."

"Are we going to be spider's food?" Emily asks. "'Cause I don't wanna..."

Ash says, "We should negotiate with him." He turns to Metagross, who is murmuring. "Now who should I eat first..."

"I don't think you should do that, Metagross. We are members of the Timeless, if you eat us, you will face the wrath of the Legendary Pokemon."

"Is this a joke?" Metagross asks, not noticing that a human knows what he is talking about. "Because I don't buy it."

"Of how about you see me?" Arceus shows himself, much to the Pokemon's shock.

"Forgive me...I will release them at once..." Metagross panics as he quickly cuts the strings, freeing them.

"Metagross, why did you want to eat humans?" Arceus asks.

"They are evil, they turn me into a spider, now I couldn't eat metal because of them." Metagross says.

"Not all humans are, which is why we choose them." Arceus says, "How about you train under my chosen, with him, I can help you with the Mega Evolution as well as a form change."

Metagross is surprised that he could change its form, but he looks at Ash, who is smiling at him, he nods, so Ash captures him. And then Arceus changes his form as well so that he can switch it.

Delta Metagross Spider Form: The Tsuchigumo Pokemon: Bug and Ground Type. Rather than resorting to capturing prey using webs, it resorts to other trickery. Foes entering its domain may see it as a tiger, a demon, or a giant spider.

Delta Metagross Ruin Form: The Ruined Pokemon: Rock and Grass Type. After two altered Metang fuse into this Pokémon, all but the exterior of its body is composed of crystal. Additional crystals allow it to break free of its rocky shell.

"This is cool, a Delta Pokemon can switch into two Delta forms..." Nora says.

"And with the move Crystal Rush, he can also turn crystal-like." Arceus says to them as they are in awe.

Ash welcomes the new Pokemon into the team, then they are finding a way to leave the Murk Forest.

After leaving the Forest, they finally reach Hekate Town. Gladion says, "Hey guys, do you think it is strange?"

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