Chapter 52: Jaern's End

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Once Ash and Lillie finished their fun, they go to meet others, who also just wake up. "So how are we going to get out of here?" Ash asks once they are back at the cave behind the gym.

"Leave this to me." Adam says as he then opens the insignia, making it becomes a Hoopa Ring, they get inside and then they land at the Samsara Cave.

"I remember this place..." Emily says, "This is the place where Lillie caught a Delta Pidgeot."

"You are right." Ash says. "But right now, we should get back to the Crystal Caves. Everyone is dying to see you back, Dad."

Adam nods and then they fly back to the Amphitrite City, but much to their surprise, they see Jaern there, fighting against the person in the Giratina costume. Adam widens his eyes as he sees both people. And Rayquaza has fainted on the floor.

"There is no way..." Jaern says, "You can't defeat Rayquaza! Not with just an ordinary Pokemon!"

"One, I rather like this world's Pokemon, some of them are very strong. Garchomp is fantastic. And second, you are not Rayquaza's chosen one, so you failed to make Rayquaza into full power."

"How is... how is this..." Jaern is sweating.

"You're a fool if you thought you were any more of a hindrance at us, Jaern. We've been planning this since the dawn of time. Your acquirement of the crystal the Augur used was unexpected, certainly. It made things a bit more complicated- especially when it was shattered. You become the leader of Sky Cult was definitely a surprise, too."

As reporters are filming this, they are shocked to know that Jaern is the leader of the Sky Cult, one of the cults that have yet to disband.

"But it hasn't changed anything. Ash Ketchum has three of the pieces, and you have the last..." She takes the crystal from Jaern. "And I just won it from you."

"This is bad..." Nora gasps.

"For a defender of the region, you sure are a poor trainer." The Giratina-like person says. "The crystal is nearly reunited once more. Soon... so soon."

Then she turns around and sees the crowd, "Ash Ketchum, I know you are inside there."

Ash pales, but the people just move out of the way to let Ash face her. "I can feel the power emanating from the shards you hold. The crystal- and by extent, the shards- can only pass from one being to another if it is earned. I will be glad to defeat you for them. Come to my world, and I'll be waiting for you." Then the person is gone.

Jaern just stays silent and then one reporter yells, "Mr. Augur? Was that true? Were you really a part of the Sky Cult?"

"Oh, uh... um..." Jaern doesn't know how to reply.

"How could you lose? You said that you would protect us..."

" I... I couldn't..." Jaern mutters.

"We caught that all on tape, Jaern. This time, I am not going to let you threaten me into deleting it."

"But... you can't..." Jaern says.

"The first Augur is way cooler, anyway."

Jaern bursts out, " ...fine. That's fine. You'll see. You need me. The First Augur is gone, but the bad guys aren't! You need an Augur! You need a protector!"

"Don't lie, you have never protected us, have you?" The reporters yell.

Jaern yells, "... ... ...heh. Fine. When you come to me begging for help, don't be surprised if I turn away."

After he leaves, the reporter says, "Geez...first Zachary the librarian...and now the Augur... isn't there anyone we can trust around here?"

"So Jaern is exposed huh..." The reporters turn around and see Adam, much to their surprise.

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