Chapter 43: Amphitrite Gym Battle

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A week has passed and they haven't heard of the cults doing anything bad, much to their relief. Ash has finished training with his Pokemon, though not very perfect, but good enough to face the upcoming challenges.

Ash, Gladion, Nora, Emily, Taen, Zachary, and Alice walk towards the Amphitrite Gym, there, they see Calreath waiting for them in front of the swamp-like field.

"Ash, Nora. It's good to see you. How was your... er... training?"

"It goes really well. But we should know by challenging this gym." Nora says.

"I see. So are you ready for our battle? I'm anxious to get started! Ahem." Calreath sighs and says, "Greetings Challenger. My name is Calreath."

Alice whispers to Taen. "He already knows them, why bother introducing himself again?"

"Stupid Gym rules." Taen says.

"My Gym isn't just a Water-gym. I focus on Water in every possible way. The ocean, the lakes, the rivers. And yes, even the rain that fills them. Rain is one of the most important natural forces in the world. It keeps the world alive and healthy and keeps the water cycle going. But it's also one of the most destructive- and I'm about to show you why. Let's do it. How about we have a double battle, with you two versus me?"

"Are you sure? Uncle?" Ash asks. "Then it should be fine."

Then as the battle begins, Calreath sends out Politoed and Greninja. Ash sends out Typhlosion and Nora sends out Leavanny with the armor.

"I see you have the Armor made by Anastasia...but that is not going to stop me." He takes out the Key Stone and says, "Mega Evolve!"

Ash and Nora are surprised to see Politoed's mega evolution, which has a big cloud as its blanket and a crown on its head. "This is going to get tough..."

"I agree." Nora says.

Ash also mega evolves his Typhlosion, with training, its mega stone won't emit any energy. Politoed's Hydro Pump makes a lot of damage to both of the Pokemon, but Typhlosion uses Thunder, which also goes really well in the rain, it gives a lot of damage to Politoed. Greninja's swift moves also get trapped with Leavanny's Sticky Web attack. Then a Grass Whistle and the Zap Cannon defeat the Politoed. So the next Pokemon Calereath sends out is Heliolisk.

Heliolisk's Hyper Voice gives a lot of damage to Leavanny, causing it to faint. Nora sends out Flygon next and also mega evolves it. As for Greninja, it manages to break through the Sticky Web, but with Flygon's Earthquake hitting him, it faints. Dragonite is the next Pokemon.

Dragonite uses Outrage, causing both Ash and Nora's Pokemon to be in serious damage. Flygon manages to hold on, but Typhlosion faints. Ash sends out Delta Pikachu as his next Pokemon. Delta Pikachu uses Draining Kiss on Dragonite, which causes it to faint in the end. So Calreath sends out Goodra as his fifth Pokemon.

Heliolisk manages to use Grass Knot to make Flygon fall, but Nora gives him the Hyper Voice, with the Amplifier, it raises an attack, and then Heliolisk faints.

"Ash, Nora. Now, this guy wants to battle you." Calreath says as Manaphy comes to the field.

"Manaphy? Are you sure?" Ash asks.

"I want to battle Papa." Manaphy nods.

And much to their surprise, Manaphy's Heart Swap causes Pikachu and Flygon to be confused, letting Goodra use Infestation and Muddy Water to finish them off.

Ash and Nora look at each other and nod, Nora sends out Celebi, while Ash sends out someone really interesting.

"Mew?" Calreath says. "If I remember correctly, it is Lillie's Chosen Pokemon, right?" Deep down, the Timeless knows that Lillie's actual chosen Pokemon is Giratina, not Mew, but Ash doesn't know about it.

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