Chapter 39 Zenith's Vaccine

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After Ash and his friends arrive at Oranos Town, they decide to look around the town. Just then, they see some people rushing outside and some people look weird.

"What's going on?" Nora asks.

"I have no idea." Ash says, he then asks Nurse Joy, and she replies, "Well, you see, Zachary is here to have a speech, and people are excited to hear about it."

Everyone turns to Zachary, he says, "What? I swear I don't know about this as well."

"So you mean...there is an impostor?" Gladion asks.

"I don't know, we should go check it out." Emily says as they go outside.

They see a lot of people standing outside the field and then they decide to see it, but much to their shock, Zachary is on the stage.

"There are two Zacharys? What is going on here?" Alice asks.

Just then, the one on stage says, "My fellow Torrenites, it's so good to see you again. I've missed Oranos Town so much, it's such a beautiful place."

"We missed you too, Zachary!" Some people are screaming for him. The impostor sees a person and says, "Oh, is that Mrs. Parker? How are your kids?"

"They're wonderful. Jonathan is-" As the lady is talking, Taen asks, "So Zachary, are you famous around here?"

"I swear I don't even know anything about this town." Zachary says. "Whoever is on stage sure is making a big deal of me here..."

"I'm sorry, I'll let you get on with it." Ms. Parker says.

"Thank you. I have something very important to say to all my friends here after all." The one on stage says. "I'm not sure how many of you have heard, but there's been a nasty sickness going around Torren. Something to do with Deoxys, I understand."

Ash flinches at his words, he is talking about Lillie and Malde. Gladion also shares the same concern as well.

"We don't know how bad it is yet- it might even be fatal- but we've seen some of its effects and believe me, you do not want to come in contact with it."

He takes a breath and says, "As you know, I work at the library, in tandem with some smart and...erm...trustworthy people. Yeah. These friends of mine, who are definitely not cult members, have developed a vaccine that will protect you from this virus. We are also organizing quarantine zones so that anyone who has already been infected can be treated and cared for."

"More like bullshit crap..." Emily mutters.

"My number one priority is the health and happiness of everyone in Torren." The man says, " I really hope the good people of Oranos Town will help me on this journey. We are supplying vaccines in the northmost building of the town. I strongly encourage everyone to sign up for this program. And ALL of you need to sign up. If you don't...well, we have to assume you're already affected. After all, the virus affects your behavior. Who wouldn't want the vaccine... unless you're already infected? So if anyone you know is acting suspiciously, such as speaking against the Augur, please report them to us. We will deal with them. Remember, your safety is our priority. Thank you. Have a wonderful day."

After the man is gone, Gladion says, "I guess he didn't notice us..."

"It is because I used Marshadow's ability to make us invisible." Emily says. "But what that man is saying is not trusted...well, to us, but people here, it is another story."

"But who is that guy?" Zachary asks. "And why does he disguise himself as me to do this?"

"Not to mention, he also hits the nerve of saying that my sister is going to infect others..." Gladion says.

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