Chapter 37 Perfection Kyurem

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They follow the Elite 4 member and they arrive at the Dragon Ruins, there. Ash says, "Wow...this is the Dragon Ruins?"

"It is...but why is it called Dragon Ruins?" Zachary asks.

"I am not sure." Taen says.

As they climb the ruins' stairs, they see Reukra and London waiting for them.

"I am so glad that you have shown up." Reukra says.

"Father, what are you planning now?" Taen asks.

"You know...Every time we've failed, you were there to witness it." London says, "The way to give out the Delta Pokemon using the Casino, the way to bring boss and his wife together...and even the armor experiment failed."

"But you might think we're running out of ideas, but in fact, we haven't. Taen, I want you to send out Kyruem."

Taen looks at others, who can only nod at him. He sends out Kyruem and then Reukra says, "Tell me, Ash Ketchum, do you know the myth of the Unova dragon?"

Ash says, "Legend speaks of a gargantuan dragon that once reigned over all of Unova. Its power was supervised by two brothers- the princes of the region. However, these brothers constantly fought over their beliefs. One sought truth, one strove for ideals, and -finding no middle ground- they split the great dragon into three. Reshiram- truth- and Zekrom- ideals- emerged, where Kyurem was left as the Dragon's empty husk."

"Brother, how do you know about this?" Nora asks.

"I had visited the castle of the princes...the Sword of Vale...and we witness the Dragon Force which was the aftermath of the war..." Ash says.

"It is true that you have seen it from the Sword of Vale." Reukra says. "But this ruin is very, very ancient. While the dragon did rule in Unova, the war between the brothers was in Torren. In fact, the great splitting was at this very spot. A shrine was built here in the hopes that one day the Dragon might be formed once again and bring peace to the land. That day is today."

"So are you going to fuse the three dragons back into one?" Gladion asks.

"It was difficult- I needed three different- legendary Pokemon- but I succeeded. And now...the original Dragon was said to be a sign of leadership, of wholeness. It represented opposing beliefs finding neutral ground and working together. The idea of harmony...and perfection. Once we summon this creature, we'll be unstoppable. The only thing left is to begin."

Just then, Reukra raises his hand and the DNA Splicers are there, he yells, "Reshiram! Zekrom! Kyurem! It's time to return to your origins! Join together, and become whole once more! Ignis et fulgura fiunt unum!"

Just then, the three dragons roared as a white light enveloped them, Reukra says, "And now, the great dragon of Unova! The divine perfect god! Emerge...the great Name here!"

But then, nothing happens as the three dragons are still separated as the light dies down. Alice says, "Name here? I don't think that is his name."

"Yeah, what did he just say?" Emily asks.

Reukra says, "Maybe you didn't hear me, dragon. I said EMERGE! The Great Name here!"

"Are reading that of a scroll?" Nora asks him.

"London?" Reukra asks.

"Yes, sir. But why?" London asks.

"I'm pretty sure that you're reading that wrong." Ash says. "I think you're supposed to say the Dragon's name at that part, not just "Name here".It is probably a placeholder."

"Oh. Huh. That's what the parentheses are for." London says.

Reukra glares at him and says, "But that's impossible, nobody knows the name of the Original Dragon. The only names that survived were Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem... How are we supposed to bring it back, then?"

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