Chapter 30: Kepler Gym Battle

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After leaving Sonata City, the group rides on the Pika Taxi to Kepler City, the place where Ash's fifth gym is. Now that the flooding is gone, the city is back to normal and they are relieved about it. After the group steps in front of the gym, Ash frowns as he is thinking about something.

"What's wrong? Brother?" Nora asks, noticing her brother's sad face.

"This will be the first time in this region that Lillie wasn't by my side cheering me on...It just feels not right..." Ash says as he feels some pain in his chest.

"I know." Nora says. "But we will have to be stronger if we want to save her, and this gym battle can train you to become stronger than ever."

"I guess you are right. I just hope it all goes well..." Ash nods as they step inside the gym. After walking through some pipelines, they see Anastasia waiting for them in front of the machines.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is?" Anastasia says with a smile. "The children of Augur and their friends who single-handedly shut down the Abyssal Cult."

Ash frowns and he thinks about the things in the Abyssal Base, the fact that Lillie, or all people, attacked him and he still can't believe it.

"I have to admit: That's very impressive. You have my thanks, on behalf of everyone in this town. So how is Audrey?" Anastasia asks.

"How did you know that we saved Audrey?" Gladion asks, and Anastasia replies, "We gym leaders are informed about her in the Sonata Hills being treated with injuries."

"She is unconscious, and Damian will take care of her." Taen says.

"The storms faded away, and we cleared the streets of all the water. Everything looks like it's going to be all right. But let's not keep you waiting any longer! You guys are here for a Gym Battle, right? Allow me to introduce myself."

"Why are you interesting yourself again?" Emily asks. "I already did that when we were at the observatory."

"I haven't officially done it. My name is Anastasia- the leader of the Kepler City Gym. The theme of my Gym is machinery- as such, I specialize in Steel- and Electric- types. I have to admit, I am pretty excited about this battle. I mean, it's not every day you get to beat someone who dismantled a cult."

As Ash and Anastasia walk towards the battlefield, she says, "My Pokemon work together like the gears in a machine! You might have beaten Audrey, Ash. But you won't Faraday against me!"

After the referee states the rules, which is going to be a six-on-six battle as usual. Anastasia says, "Now go with your appearance! Klefki!" As the keyring Pokemon appears, Ash says, "If my opponent is a Steel Type, then Fire Type will be a good choice. Glalie! I choose you!"

As the battle begins, Anastasia says, "I will go on defense. Use Substitute!" As the copy of the Pokemon appears, Ash says, "Destroy it with Incinerate!"

The fire attack destroys the Pokemon, but Glalie gets hit by a Swagger attack from the Kelfki, causing it to get confused.

"A Swagger? Oh no...get yourself together, Glalie!" Ash yells. "Head Smash!"

"Dodge it." Anastasia says as the Klefki dodges all the attacks the Glalie uses. "Foul Play." Kelfki throws Glalie to the ground. But much to Ash's delight, Glalie is back together as the confusion finally ends.

"Finish with Overheat!" Glalie shoots out the fire energy, and Klefki is defeated by an Overheat. Anastasia returns her Pokemon and says, "Return, Klefki. Now, Electivire! Come on out!"

As the Electivire appears, it is seen hanging on a balloon. The group is dumbfounded at the sight that Electivire is actually floating in the air.

"Why is there a balloon tying on Electivire?" Nora asks in confusion.

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