Chapter 21 Arata and Love Problems

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Ash and his friends are now at the Pokemon Center for healing after the battle with Jaern and East in the Jade Tower, when they are sitting down at the seats, they hear a report from the radio and they are confused.

"Breaking news. We are Live with an exclusive interview with the Hiker recently rescued from the Rezzai Cavern." The news reporter says.

"The Hiker from the Rezzai Cavern?" Lillie asks. "Isn't he the one that we saw back then? I mean the one whose scroll was robbed by the Sky Cult and killed by the bombs set by them?"

"And he is still alive and he survived all of that?" Nora asks.

"It is good to have you on." The reporter says to the hiker.

"It's good to be on, ma'am." The Hiker says.

"Can you describe the situation for our audience?"

"Well, y'see, my family and I were mining around in that cave. We heard there was'sm rare artifacts'n all. And we found this funny old scroll! Turns out these Sky Cultists up top wanted it, and they threatened us."

"That is exactly what we saw..." Emily mutters.

"I'm sure that must have been scary for you and your family."

"Oh, it was, ma'am. But our very own Augur found us- told us everything would be okay. He lift us out and helped my family and me. I couldn't ever repay him for anythin' like that. I just know the Augur is going to take down the Sky Cultists. What a fantastic man- won't believe a word against him, no siree!"

"Thank you so much for joining us. This concludes our special broadcast." Then the news ended, leaving the group in surprise.

"What the hell is that? The Augur saved him, that's how he survived?" Alice says.

"Er, sorry about that. I'm so glad the Augur is here to protect us from people like the Sky Cult." Joy says as she gives the Pokemon back to them.

East walks towards them and says, "No one in this region knows that Jaern is part of Sky Cult, which is why we can't let it out to the public. Nobody will believe us and we would be treated as cult members as well."

"But he won't be doing anything to us since we beat him, if he accuses us, then he will let those people down since we defeat him." Gladion says, "Things sure are complicated, to tell the truth."

Ash says, "East, how about you? Are you fine? Since if Jaern's caught, then you will also be caught for helping the Sky Cult..."

East smiles, "Don't worry, you see. I have already contacted the other Gym Leaders about the situation, except for the last one, since we don't know where he is...But I am sure that they will also keep a secret."

"I hope..." Nora sighs, "And maybe we can find out where Mom and Dad are..."

"Don't worry, we are also worried about the first Augur as well." Emily says. "Right now we should go to the Utira Town."

After that, they bid farewell to East and go towards the sea.

"Why are we heading out to the sea?" Lillie asks as they are surfing on their Lapras float.

"To get to Utira Town, we have to go to through the Cave of Stream, which is located over there." Nora points at the cave on an island.

Once they get into the cave, all they can see is white steam and nothing else.

"I heard that it is not difficult to get through, but the stream left by Volcanion is the reason that the cave is hard to get out." Emily says.

"Volcanion's steam, you say?" Ash asks.

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