Loud Mouth

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The remaining six were gathered around the living room together, eating leftovers from the fridge. It was quiet but comfortable. Jisung and Minho were more than okay by the looks of it; I knew they had nothing to worry about. Especially if Jisung confessed to what I had heard in his house - which I'm assuming he did. I haven't gotten the chance to even ask what's going on between San and Wooyoung, but from the looks of that too, there's definitely something.

Felix hasn't left my side once I told him about what happened at Jisung's, along with what his parents had said about me. I wasn't planning on mentioning it, but I wanted to be open with him. I'll tell Wooyoung when the time is right. Jisung already heard it himself so there's no need to talk about it unless he feels the need.

"Can someone please tell me what I missed?" Wooyoung blurted out. I just knew he was going to be the one to open his fat mouth first. Everyone just looked at him like he was crazy rather than answering. "Something is clearly going on since Jisung looks like he just got hit by a car and-"

"Can I talk to you?" I stood up and grit through my teeth, "privately?" He realized he was definitely in trouble. He stood up and walked with me upstairs into Felix's room. I didn't want the rest of them hearing us. "Jung Wooyoung, read the fucking room!" I shouted, unable to mask my frustration.

"What?" He acted like a turtle in its shell. I never raise my voice like this so he should be scared.

"Why did you think no one else was saying anything?"

"I don't know, I just assumed everyone knew something but me."

"So you need to just blurt it out like that? You're fucking lucky you don't know what happened last night."

"Okay, so can you tell me now?"

"Oh my god." I grabbed one of the pillows off the bed and screamed into it before hitting him in the face.

"Ow." He whined, rubbing his cheek. That was very necessary for my mental state.

"When we leave this room, don't say a word about it, okay?" He nodded. "Good." I sighed, shaking my head at his stupidity. "Minho told Jisung he loves him and then broke up with him right after." He nearly let out the loudest gasp of the century until I slapped my hand over his mouth. "So Jisung ran off and went apeshit on his parents. That's how he got all messed up; his dad beat the shit out of him for confessing. Minho and I took him home so now they should be okay." I uncovered his mouth slowly, hoping he wouldn't be obnoxiously loud.

"Okay." He nodded. He went from serious to mischievous in seconds. "Jinnie, I gotta tell you something." I knew it was about last night with San. I'm sure he's been dying to tell me.

I need some good news to calm me down just a bit so hopefully this'll do the trick.

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