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As soon as I board the plane and left the ground of California I made the toughest decision of my life. I was going to break a promise. I was never going to speak to Nick Bosa, ever again. As much as that deeply wounded me and the fact that I was genuinely, in love with him hurt even worse.. I knew deep down that we would never really work.

Not long into the flight I too, try to fall asleep and pretend all of it was just a dream.

Maybe, there was something better waiting for me in Florida.

Four hours later, I arrive. Immediately, I could tell the atmosphere was different here. It was hot, possibly even hotter than California. The air was thick with humidity and sticky on my skin. Not sure how annoying that would get.

My father, Mark was waiting for me at baggage claim. We say hello to each other awkwardly, he tries to give me a hug, but I wasn't very comfortable with that, so I try my best to avoid it.

The car ride back to his house was even more awkward. We were nearly silent the entire time, besides a few small talk conversations we had about the high school football team.

I look out the passenger side window and try to soak in the fact that this place was about to become my home. Miami was big and beautiful. I could definitely, see the appeal to the city.

When he pulls into the driveway of a rather large and extremely nice house, I look over at him in a state of shock.

"Is this your house?" I question him.

"Yep, not too shabby, huh?" He smiles pulling out the keys in the ignition.

I wanted to be jealous at the fact I struggled all my life while he lived in such a nice house, but I couldn't. This was about to be my house too well, until I got back on my feet.

He unlocks the front door with my suitcase in tow. "Let me show you to your room." He says, as I follow him up the stairs.

I couldn't believe this was where he lived.

As we approach the middle door in the hallway, he stops and looks at me. "I made this room for you years ago, for when you were younger. I always kept out hope that I would find you and that you would come live with me, but you can do whatever you want with it, because it's finally yours now." He says, opening the door and swinging it wide.

I slowly walk into the room and take in the sight.

The walls were a light rosey pink and the furniture was white. There were little flowers painted across the edges of the ceiling. The blanket and sheets also, had little matching flowers on them. The window was large, letting in so much natural sun light. There was a bench built into it and I envisioned myself sitting there reading a book.

I walk over to the dresser and lift up the lid of a jewelry box that was resting on top of it. A little plastic ballerina popped up and twirled happily around to the soft sound of a lullaby. I've always wanted a jewelry box like this when I was a little girl.

"Like I said, you can change all of this. You can even paint the room, if you'd like. It's yours." Mark says.

I look over at him standing in the frame of the doorway, tears in my eyes. "It's perfect." I reply, quietly.

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