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Joey follows me upstairs. He stops along the hallway to grab some sheets out of the closet and he meets me in the spare room.

He helps me strip the bed down and put the new sheets on. I don't know why, but this gesture from him seemed really nice and it made me realize I had a small crush on him.

After the sheets were on he lingers for a bit. "I'm sorry for being rude to you the other day." He says.

"I'm sorry, too. It's okay."

"No, it's not. You needed me, I told you I wanted you to need me and I failed miserably." He admits.

He walks over to the dresser and leans his back against it, posting himself up by his arms. I get dangerously, close to him and stare into his unique colored eyes.

"We all make mistakes, Joey. Especially me." I lower my voice into a calm and soothing tone.

He reaches out and pulls me closer to him, this instantly, intensifies my breathing. His fingertips trail up the sides of my ribs and then he slowly strokes up and down my arms, leaving a path of chills behind them.

"You should really change out of this bathing suit." He says, quietly.

"Why?" I softly, laugh.

"—Because you're unbelievably tempting in it." He replies, his eyes slowly, soak in the naked parts of me that were exposed.

"Should I take it off, then?" I ask.

He swallows as if he had to gulp for air. "Wait until I leave." He says, but his eyes were saying something completely different. They were practically screaming I want to fuck you.

I push upwards off the floor and kiss him. His tongue parts my lips and delicately caresses mine. Kissing him again, felt amazing, it felt oddly, right.

I pull back and stare up at him. We stood there for a moment, completely quite. I was wondering what was going through his mind.

"Say something." I whisper.

He doesn't say a word, instead he kisses me again and again. I suddenly find myself passionately making out with him. He was very tall and I was rather short, so I had a hard time balancing on my tippy toes. I think he understood I was struggling to keep myself up. He grabs me up by my waist and lifts me onto the dresser, so that we could sorta match heights and so that he could make it less difficult to kiss me.

His large hands cup my breasts and he gently massages them as our kissing starts to pick up pace. In this moment I strangely, wasn't concerned about what I was doing. I don't even think I had time to think about what was happening, it felt way too good to even comprehend that this was not appropriate.

"Fuck me. Please." I moan beneath his lips. I wanted to feel something, I wanted to escape for awhile and I knew he had the power to do that.

"Lili.." He says, breaking the kiss and panting "I can't, this is my brothers house."

"Then take me to your spot." I beg.

There was a knock on the bedroom door and we quickly, separate from one another. I jump down off the dresser and smooth down my hair. This was when the guilt set in from what I was just doing. I really hoped it wasn't Nick.

When I open the door, I was relieved to see Joe standing there, but it was also, pretty awkward because Joey came from behind me.

"Oh." Joe says, a bit surprised that Joey and I were in a room with the door closed. "I just came to say goodbye, I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Joey and I both laugh at the same time. "No, not at all. He was just helping me with my sheets." I say, quickly, but feeling my anxiety spike as I talk.

"Cool." Joe says, as he looks at Joey in a suspicious manner.

I felt my heart start to beat heavy in my chest. I had to find a way to stay composed and calm because right now I found it hard to even breath in air.

"It was really nice meeting you." I finally, say.

"Yeah, same." He replies. "Maybe I'll see you around?"

I look at him directly, trying hard not to have shame written all over my face. "Yeah, maybe." I smile. "—And good luck to you with your girlfriend." I add.

He chuckles. "Thanks, Lili. I appreciate that." He gives me a slight wink before disappearing back downstairs.

I turn around to look at Joey now. "I guess you should get back to your date in the hot tub, huh?"

He shifts his weight and shuffles his feet for a moment. "I don't really like her, you know that right?" He asks.

I laugh, nervously. "I know, but they want wine, remember?"

"Fuck, I totally forgot about that!" He replies, frantically.

"Yeah, you better hurry. It's been awhile." I tell him.

He walks through the doorway and then spins around to face me. He pauses for some time, but I could tell he had more to say.

"Would you want to come over later? —if I get rid of her? Not for like sex, but maybe just to watch a movie and spend some time together before you leave?" His voice was shaky, like he was afraid to ask me and to hear my response.

I smile. "Yeah, that sounds good."

"Just keep it between us? Like, don't tell Nick where you're going. It'll cause problems." He says.

"I won't."

"Seriously, Lili. You can't tell him." He demands.

"I know, Joey. Trust me." I reassure him.

"Alright, I'll text you when I leave, but wait like thirty minutes after me, okay?"

"I got it." I nod.

He starts to walk down the hall and turns around one last time. "Do you like anime?" He asks.

"Um, I've only watched Totoro." I laugh.

He smiles. "That's a good place to start. Oh, and wear pajamas when you come over, but not that one nightgown."

"Gotcha." I smile back.


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