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I wake up around 9:30AM and text Joey. "Good morning, send me the address of whatever beach you guys will be at."

Afterwards I brush my teeth and twist my long brown hair into a messy, but cute braid. I step into my white silk bikini and pull on some cut off jean shorts.

If Nick didn't want to speak to me today, he would at the very least, notice me for sure.

Joey texts me the address to the beach. It was private, so he sent me the code to enter at the gate once we got there. I go downstairs and put two pop tarts in the toaster for Dale. He eventually wakes up on his own and I hand them to him.

"How does your eye feel?" I ask him, it looked worse today. It was much more swollen and the skin color around his eye was changing purple and red. Seeing this caused anger to brew deep within the pit of my stomach. His dad must have hit him really hard to cause such an injury.

"It's a little sore." He replies, but he didn't seem concerned about it and I didn't want to over step my boundaries, so I try to avoid asking any further questions.

"You should go home and get some swimming trunks." I tell him.

"Alright." He gets up holding the remaining pop tart in his hand. "I'll be right back." He says.

Moments later he returns and as I open the front door I expected to see him standing there in his swimming attire, but he wasn't. Instead, he stood there wearing a heartbreaking frown.

"What happened?" I ask him, already noticing how upset he appeared.

"My dad said I can't go, I'm grounded." He says, through a heavy voice.

My heart instantly, aches for him. I knew how excited he was about going today and it was hard for me to understand his fathers reasoning behind this. How often does a high school football player get the chance to play football on the beach with two NFL stars? I felt like this type of punishment his dad was giving him, was a little too much, but there wasn't anything I could really do about it.

"Do you want me to go talk to him?" I ask Dale.

"No." He immediately, replies. "It's fine. Maybe there will be a next time.. will there be a next time?" He quietly, asks.

I softly, smile. "I'll make sure there's a next time, okay?"


"I promise."

He smiles widely. "Okay, cool. Thanks, Liliana!" He yells as he jogs back off down the street. I watch him carefully, I was worried about that boy, but I had a lot of my own shit going on in my life that I needed to straighten out for myself.

The beach.

I arrive at the private beach area and punch in the code to open the front gate. I was sad Dale couldn't be here with me, and it would have been better if he was, but I had unfinished business with this family and I had to take care of that.

Once inside the gated zone, I park and stare out onto the beach. I can see all of them from where I parked the Tesla facing the ocean, so I sit and watch them for a moment.

GROUNDING 🏈 Nick Bosa Where stories live. Discover now