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After sometime had passed with me trying to get myself together in the bathroom.. A knock softly rattles the door..

"Yes?" I ask, hesitantly.

"Are you okay?" I hear Nicks, gentle voice.

I open up the door and stare at him with tear stained cheeks for a moment. His eyes stay focused on my face as he makes the realization that I had been crying.

"No." I say, quietly.

He backs me up into the bathroom and then closes the door behind him.

His large hands cradle the sides of my face. "Talk to me, Liliana.."

I shake my head in his hands.

"Tell me why you're crying, please." His hands move down the sides of my neck and through my hair. He glides them down my back until he reaches my hips where he lightly squeezes them. "You don't really think I told her.. do you?" He reaches back up to tilt my chin towards him. "Liliana?"

"I don't know.." I say, as another tear works it's way down my face.

He groans painfully, lifting me up off the floor and sitting me onto the bathroom counter. I think he wanted us to be eye level, but even sitting on the countertop he was still taller than I was.

"I don't know how she knew, but I would have never told her anything." He says, firmly. "I care so much about you, Liliana. You gotta believe me."

I lean forward, curling up into him and pressing my face against his shirt and chest. I softly inhale the scent of him within my chest cavity.

He smooths his hands along my back. "You believe me, don't you?" He calmly, asks.

"I—I think so." I sniffle. "—But what about the sex fetish thing? Joey even.."

Nick quickly, cuts me off. "Oh, my god Liliana." He huffs in frustration. "I'm not into rape, that's fucking sick. Am I into rough sex? Yeah, sure... but that isn't the same as rape."

"How did I not know about this?" I move my head back to peer up at him.

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "I mean.. you did.. didn't you?"

"No." I whispered and shook my head again. "I mean there was that one time with the belt, but..."

"You didn't like it and I stopped." He interjects.

"—But you were punishing me, Nick." I felt my body shiver as I protest against him.

"I'm working on that. I don't get off on hurting you, Liliana. If you want to have just plain ass, missionary sex for the rest of your life, then I'm okay with that." He says, as he stares into my eyes.

I softly, laugh. "Well, I didn't say that.."

"Oh." He smirks, and reaches down to adjust the front of his shorts.

As I'm looking up at him my smile gently fades, because of my intrusive thoughts. "You didn't have sex with her again while she was here.. did you?" Not that it would matter, because Nick didn't really owe me his loyalty, at least not yet, but the thought of him even romantically touching her made me sick to my stomach.

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