Stoner? I Hardly Know 'er!

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After being cleaned up with some soap and a rinse, your new bong is filled with water and at the ready - you just needed to pack a bowl. Walking over to the couch, you see Rhea sprawled out across the entire thing, vest on the ground, brow furrowed in thought, phone face down on her stomach.
"Where am I supposed to sit?" you ask, feigning offense.
"Sounds like a "you" problem," she quips back.
"Then I guess I'm going to go pack and smoke this bowl aaaall by myself in my bedroom," you pretend to head to your room, looking over your shoulder. Rhea sticks her tongue out at you before sitting up and setting her feet on the ground, freeing up the space next to her. Triumphantly grinning, you set up your supplies and sit down to pack a bowl.

Placing the flower, grinding it up, packing it in: the movements were second nature to you, a welcome task for hands you might not otherwise know what to do with. Once you've finished, you take a second to look at the piece as a whole, still struck by just how clean and new and pretty it was. Carefully eyeballing the volume, you're sure this can hold more smoke than your last piece. Lighting the bowl, you inhale more slowly than usual, pulling the bowl and clearing up the thin smoke.
Turning to face Rhea, you see she's ready, but before you can lean forward, her lips are pressed against yours. Blushing, you start exhaling as she inhales. Moving to pull away once you've expelled all your air, a strong, steady hand holds you in place. To your surprise and delight, Rhea slides the tip of her tongue past your lips, sending waves of electricity through your body. She gives your lower lip a bite, making you moan softly as she keeps kissing you hard. Time has stopped, the earth has fallen away, and the only people in existence are the two of you; at least, that's what it feels like with her lips against yours.

A sensation like every atom in your being reaching to move with her takes you over as she pulls away. Opening your eyes, you see Rhea grinning at you, lipstick smudged, surrounded by thin smoke, and she starts to chuckle.
"What's so funny?" you somehow manage not to sound flustered, but you're probably still blushing.
"You should see your face. I sort of.. accidentally did your makeup," she says between giggles.
You immediately pull out your phone, turn on the camera, and switch to the selfie option. One look at the lopsided black smudges all over and around your mouth and your laughter harmonizes with Rhea's.

Bringing a tissue up to your mouth, you do your best to clean off the smudges while looking at yourself in your phone camera.
"What's the matter?" Rhea joked, "Not liking your new makeover? And after all the hard work I put into it" she shakes her head.
"Guess you'll just have to try again," you grin, trying to seem nonchalant as you wipe off the last of the lipstick, despite wanting nothing more than to get lost in another kiss.
"Are you planning on keeping the messy look, then?" you glance at the streaks and smudges still sitting around her lips.
"Actually I was hoping I could borrow some makeup remover so I can go all-in on some good food," she stands up, stretches, and saunters away, "It'll help if I decide I want to kiss you more later, too." Watching her disappear into the bathroom, can't tell if she's joking or not.

A few minutes later, you look up to see Rhea exiting the bathroom, face completely without makeup. Her face looked so much softer without the hard lines and sharp contrast; even her eyes seemed kinder.
"Got any sunglasses I can borrow?" she asks, "I'm tired of being recognized and I want to go out to eat."
"You know, you wouldn't be recognized so easily if you wore more colors," you suggest, half-joking.
"Not even an option," Rhea responds stubbornly, arms crossed.
Getting up to rifle through your accessories, you grin and notice the small tug at your lips hurts your cheeks. Had you really been smiling that much?
As soon as you hand Rhea a pair of sunglasses, she asks, "So, where do we go to get some good food around here?"

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