Seeing Green

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"Would you pack us a bowl, love?" Rhea asked, setting aside her food.
"Sure thing," you reply, taking out your rolling tray and supplies before striding over to grab the bong. It wasn't long before a bowl of greens stood at the ready. You bring the mouth of the piece to your lips and position your lighter, before hearing "Actually, I was hoping I could take this hit myself."
Your eyebrows rose on their own; you weren't expecting the request.
"Want to shotgun me, then?" you offer, handing Rhea the piece and lighter.
"Definitely," she replies, lighting the bowl and inhaling surprisingly smoothly before pulling out the bowl and taking in the rest of the hit. Leaning in, you bring your parted lips to hers and suck in every bit of smoke and air before ending with a kiss.

"That was impressive," you comment, slowly letting the smoke escape. And then, after some thought, "Did... did you intimidate Matt Riddle into showing you how to take a hit from a bong?" the mental image you had made it difficult not to burst out laughing.
"Who, me? No, no," she said, feigning innocence, "...but I may have "borrowed" his bong and had Damian show me how."
Though not nearly as amusing, the thought still made you smile.
"So you did give it back?" you checked.
"I... was a bit too focused on practicing for a while and ended up getting too baked to return it myself," Rhea admitted, seeming mostly amused and slightly embarrassed, "Ended up making Dom put it back, once he stopped laughing."

Hearing her say his name felt like a sudden shove, as if he'd personally shoulder-checked you.
"So, things are better between you and Dominik?" you ask, feeling both like you needed to know and like you were dreading the answer.
Shifting in her seat a bit, it took Rhea a moment to respond.
"Things with Dom have been... difficult, still, in a lot of ways," she lights the bowl, eyes unfocused, taking another hit before handing the piece back to you, "I'm more okay now than I was at the beginning with being in an open relationship. I mean, I get to fuck hot babes" - she looked directly at you, putting an arm around your shoulder - "which is a big plus."
Though it was meant to be a compliment, you couldn't help but notice the plural of "babes." Had she been with other people while she was apart from you? Was this just sex for her? Insecurity sent your heart plummeting into your stomach at the thought.

"But the people I'm with seeing other people?" Rhea continued, seemingly oblivious to your discomfort, "I'm still not even a little bit okay with it. Dom always wants to start telling me everything after he's met or flirted with or... been with someone, but hearing about someone else making him happy in that way is just... it's rough, y'know?"
You definitely know. It was obvious that Rhea still cared for her boyfriend deeply, and while it hurt to see her struggling with the situation, the pain of hearing her talk about him with such passion in her voice was worse. Craving relief, you take a large hit - large even for you. The smoke turns the inside of the piece white, but you don't stop inhaling until it starts turning a dull yellow. Pulling through the last ashen scraps of flower, you lift the bowl and suck in the thick smoke.

An itch starts growing at the back of your throat, prompting you to take a chug of water before slowly exhaling. Just when you're sure you've gotten away with not coughing, you start up, using the crook of your elbow and then grabbing a tissue to cough into.
"You okay?" Rhea asks, eyes pink.
Coughing more gently now, you give her a thumbs-up.
"Sounds like we need some ice," she suggested.
"Look at you!" you've finally stopped coughing, "Remembering smoking tips. You're turning into a proper stoner!"
Rhea lightly shoves you. Finishing the rest of your water, you get up to grab more - with ice.

Once you've sat down again, you drop an ice cube into the bong.
"Oh hey, I just realized I never gave you your gift," Rhea says, a mischievous smile growing on her face.
"You mean getting head on the kitchen counter wasn't my present?" you're a bit surprised, but mostly excited. Your mind starts running a hundred miles an hour trying to think of what it could possibly be.
"Glad it was that good," she smiled at the memory, "but I did actually go out and get you something. I think you'll like it."
"What is it?" you ask, trying not to get your hopes up for anything fancy, but still excited.
"Let me show you," Rhea says, standing up and sauntering over to her suitcase.

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