Dynamic Shift

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"Can I put my hand on your leg?" Rhea asked once the two of you got into your car.
The question seemed strange to you - she hadn't felt the need to ask before, and you had always welcomed her hand resting on your thigh while you were driving.
"Of course you can," you reply, watching the slight worry leave Rhea's face as she gingerly puts her hand on you.
"I feel so lucky," she says, smiling as you start the car, "I have a hot boyfriend and a hot girlfriend." Dominik looked both happy and relieved when the two of you had walked into the locker room and given him the good news.
"You're one powerful bisexual!" you admit, laughing at the statement, "But you have to admit that I also have a hot girlfriend."
"I'm not going to argue with that," Rhea replied, smile evident in her voice as you drove to your apartment - she had agreed to your offer of driving her back to her shared hotel room tomorrow around midday.

It felt as though you drove home on a cloud, brimming with happiness and excitement at the official status of your relationship with Rhea. The two of you had all night and all morning to spend together, you thought as you felt her hand give your thigh a gentle squeeze. It didn't feel like nearly enough time, but you realized that no matter how long she stayed to visit, it would never feel like enough - you wanted to be with her constantly. There was a new, blissful security you felt in knowing you were her girlfriend - her first girlfriend, at that. It almost didn't feel real, to the point where you kept wondering if you were dreaming. Every time you did, you shook it off; if it was a dream, you weren't about to let yourself wake up.

"I love the way you smile," Rhea said, thumb rubbing against your thigh, making you smile harder, "See, that, right there. Beautiful."
"You're going to make me blush," you say, keeping your eyes on the road.
"Good," she says, a sultry tone to her voice, "I love making you flustered - it's just too cute."
Squirming in your seat, you bite your lip and sneak a glance at Rhea, who was smirking at you.
"Now how am I supposed to keep driving when I know you're looking at me like that?" you say, your face growing warm.
"I can always take over if you can't focus," she teased, "but that's the only scenario where I'm taking my eyes off my girl."
Hearing her call you her girl and knowing she meant it romantically made your heart skip a beat.

The moment you parked the car, you turn and pull Rhea in for a kiss. You feel her smile against your lips and run your fingers through her hair, wincing as you realize you accidentally used your injured hand. Rhea froze, a worried look on her face as you pulled away slightly in pain.
"It's okay," you reassure her, grabbing your cold pack from the center console, "I really should be remembering which hand not to use."
"I'm sorry," Rhea said, looking down, "Let me know what you need while I'm here so your hand can rest - it's the least I can do."
"You don't need to apologize any more than you already have, Rhe," you insist, "But I won't turn down the help if I need it, I promise."
This seems to make her feel better and she kisses your cheek softly before saying, "Sounds good to me."

Walking into your apartment, you remove your shoes and set your phone on the table before skipping over to the kitchen to grab water for Rhea.
"Oh, thanks, babe!" you say, walking back with the water to see your smoking supplies ready on the table.
"No problem, babe," Rhea replies, seeming to take as much pleasure as you did in calling attention to your newly official relationship.
Sitting next to her, you set down the glass of water a safe distance from the bud before getting to work packing a bowl. It's slightly more difficult than you anticipated, handling everything with one hand. The second you fumble, you turn to look at Rhea, who moves to help in response to the question she already saw in your eyes.

"Thank you," you tell her, watching her steady hands pack the glass bowl carefully.
"Ready when you are," Rhea says, pointing the lip of the bong in your direction once she's done. She held the lighter, waiting until you leaned in to light the bowl for you. Unused to having this done for you, you move to pull the bowl only to have Rhea do so the moment you stop inhaling. Giving her a grateful look, you clear the piece and wait for your girlfriend to lean in before shotgunning the hit into her mouth. The shotgun dissolved into kissing, prompting you to give her lip a small bite. Feeling her tongue flick just inside your mouth, you wait for the bite she usually gave in response - but it never happened. Pulling away, you look at Rhea, worried.
"Are you okay?" you ask, searching her face.
"I'm better than okay," she replied, looking confused, "Why?"
"When we kiss you usually..." then you realized the pattern, "Oh! Oh Rhe, you don't have to be so careful with me" - you look her in the eyes, making sure she hears you - "I trust you. I feel safe with you. And biting me is very much encouraged. Okay?"
"It's just that, well..." she takes a moment to search for the right words, "... I know you've forgiven me for hurting you, but I don't think I've forgiven me."
You pull her in for a hug and she squeezes you back, sighing. Just as you're about to try and say something to comfort Rhea further, your phone buzzes, rattling a few things on the table as the screen reads "Text message from Liv Morgan."

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