Shower Head

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The pile of clean clothes you had just put on less than an hour ago grew as you stripped to join Rhea in the shower - despite already having cleaned yourself up a bit earlier. It was worth having to do laundry early this week to get to spend more time with the absolute goddess that stood in your bathroom, currently bending over to check the temperature of the water pouring into the tub. The sight was enough to bring any woman to her knees.
"Oh good," Rhea said, pleasantly surprised, "Looks like the temperature settings in your shower are as responsive as you are."
She turns around to watch you blush before directing the water to the shower head. Stepping in under the water, she looks over her shoulder and beckons you closer with one moving finger.

Carefully entering the shower, you pull the curtain closed behind you, shivering slightly. Rhea stood before you, water running down every beautifully-sculpted curve of her body. The sunlight filtering in through the small, frosted bathroom window gave her an almost ethereal glow.
"Don't tell me you're just here for the view," she teases, hands resting on your hips before pulling you closer.
"You can't blame me for staring," you counter, resting your hands on her shoulders and sighing slightly as the warm water hits you, "My eyes naturally gravitate to the most beautiful thing in the room."
"What a coincidence," Rhea said, holding your gaze, "So do mine."

Your lips meet hers before one of her hands wanders down to grab your ass. Biting her lip in response gets you pushed up against the cold tile wall. Her hands move to hold you there by your shoulders as she pulls her mouth away.
"Come whenever you want, love. No rules this time," Rhea says, one hand moving to stroke you between your legs, "Just enjoy yourself."
"Thank you, Mami," you moan, bracing yourself as she kneels down in front of you, one hand on your hip.
Your noises joined the steady sound of the water hitting Rhea as her mouth makes contact with the ache between your thighs. Trying to grind against her mouth proves fruitless as her hands pin your hips to the wall, her pace steadily increasing.

"Ohmygod, Mami," you whine, pleasure building. She moans against you in response, the vibration getting you closer and closer to coming. Forgetting Rhea dropped the rules for a moment, you start trying to delay your own release. It's a moment before you remember, slightly embarrassed.
"I'm gonna come," you whimper, still feeling the need to announce yourself as your fingers gripped Rhea's dark locks. Humming against you again, she kept her rhythm steady as you moaned loudly. Riding out your orgasm, you felt pure ecstasy flow through your body. Her mouth was a gateway to heaven and you had arrived.

The world slowly rematerializes around you once you finish and you hear "good girl" before Rhea stands again. You pull her in for a long kiss as soon as her face is near yours.
"God, I love the way you fuck me," you sigh, making her smile widen.
"Switch places with me and I can fuck your mouth, then," Rhea tells you, already moving.
"Yes please," you moan, making her chuckle as you walk under the stream of water.
With one clumsy step forward, you slip, arms flailing before Rhea catches you in her arms. The sharp pain in your already injured hand spiked from hitting the wall, but what demanded your attention most was a cut on your ankle that bled into the water, aching from hitting the lip of the faucet.

"I got you," Rhea says, gently setting you down on the floor of the shower before pulling back the curtain and wrapping her dripping body in a towel.
"Wound kit?" she asked, opening a drawer once you pointed to it and removing the first aid kit, "Think you can clean up your ankle and hand for me before I wrap them?"
You nod, grabbing the soap nearby and working up a lather as Rhea sits down on the edge of the tub. Once you've rinsed away the soap, she helps you slowly stand up and get out of the shower.
Her hands moved quickly and efficiently, bandaging both your knuckles and ankle. She clearly hadn't been overstating her skill in treating injuries. Moving your hand, you marvel at the security in the way she wrapped your knuckles.

"There you go," Rhea said with finality, wrapping you in a nearby towel upon seeing you shiver, "You go get dressed and relax. I'm going to get clean and I'll be right out."
"Sorry," you can't stop the word from leaving your mouth, feeling like you did something wrong.
"Hey, no, none of that," she insists, holding you tight and kissing your forehead, "Shit happens. I just want to make sure you're safe."

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