Riddle Me This

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"Seems like a bit of swelling and light bruising," the medic says, carefully inspecting your hand while gauging your reactions to pressure in certain areas, "Let me grab an ice pack - it should hurt less once the swelling goes down."
The medic disappears behind a section of wall and you turn to Dominik, who was sitting nearby. The expression on his face was difficult for you to read, but he gave you a reassuring smile when he noticed you looking over.
"Here you go," the medic says, coming back around with a flexible cold pack and handing it to you, "Not much I can do for the bruising I'm afraid. Try and elevate that hand when you can if it's still swelling after that gets warm."
"Thank you for your help!" you call behind them as they turn the corner, catching a quick glimpse of a wave they seemed to give you before quickly disappearing again.

"I want to say thank you to you, too," you turn to Dominik after placing the cold pack on your hand, "You've already done more than you need to, but I wanted to ask..."
"Ask what?" he prompted, looking slightly concerned after you trailed off.
"Do you think I should just avoid Rhea until the match is over?" you ask, looking down at your hand. Saying her name made you feel a wave of melancholy.
Dominik takes a moment to consider the question before answering, "I think that's a good idea, yeah. Just because of Finn and Damian being... Finn and Damian."
Nodding, you hop off the exam table and sigh, "I'm definitely going to need to finish that joint from earlier. Should I just go back to my car or is there somewhere around here I can smoke?"
"I don't really know," he admits, standing up as well, "But I know who probably does."

"Dude and dudette!" Matt Riddle greets you and Dominik outside the locker room a short while later, "What's up? 'Cause if you want me to join your group, I gotta tell ya" - he rests a hand on Dom's shoulder - "I'm super flattered, bro, but you guys just don't know when to chill."
Noticing Dominik's patience wearing thin, you decide to explain, "I was just wondering where I could go around here to... y'know..." you leave the cold pack on your hurt hand, freeing the other to make a joint-smoking motion at the side of your mouth.
"Eyyyy, 420!" he said enthusiastically, putting out his hand for a fist-bump. You use your free hand to oblige and watch him try to do the same with Dominik, who stares at him blankly. After a few seconds, Matt gently bumps his fist against Dom's shoulder instead.

"Right this way, stoner friends," he said to you and Dominik , gesturing to the locker rooms.
Dom holds up a hand and shakes his head, "I need to check on the rest of the Judgment Day" - then, turning to you - "You good for now?"
You nod, following both men and then just Matt Riddle as Dominik walked off in the other direction.
"Here ya go!" the two of you stop in front of a "family" restroom.
Raising an eyebrow, you ask, "Don't most bathrooms have smoke detectors?"
Matt looks around conspiratorially before reaching in his pocket and showing you a pair of batteries.
"I do this at most places for pre-game and post-match tokes," he explains, "and then I just pop 'em back in after... if I can remember to."

You laugh, thanking him and entering the restroom, locking the door behind you. Resting your bag on the hook on the inside of the door, you move your uninjured hand through it before brushing against the cigarette box you had filled with a lighter and several joints. Looking around the room, you catch yourself in the mirror as you pull out the box.
Your eyes are a bit puffy from crying and you held your injured hand as if it were in a sling. Thinking of Rhea again, you place the joint between your lips, fighting the sadness that burned behind your eyes.
It's going to be okay, you try to assure yourself, inhaling as you light the already-burnt end. Holding in the hit as long as you can, you watch the lit end of the joint trail smoke up to the ceiling. Coughing slightly as you exhale the smoke, you try taking another big hit to power through the slight throat spasms that told you to keep coughing. It wasn't the best idea, but it would definitely get you higher and you were looking for an effective way to disconnect from the situation.

A sharp dryness in the back of your throat forces you to let out the hit earlier than you meant to, coughing into the crook of your arm over and over.
A knock at the door catches your attention.
"Hello?" an unfamiliar woman's voice asks on the other side of the door. Scrambling, you put out the joint on the bottom of your shoe, dropping the cold pack in the process.
"Are you okay in there?" the voice continued as you shoved your belongings in your bag and tried to stop coughing. Abandoning the cold pack in favor of grabbing your bag and wafting the remaining bits of smoke toward the running vent.

"All good in here!" you say, finally getting the coughing under control before opening the door, "Sorry, it's all yours now if you need-"
"Oh honey, are you sure you're okay?" you're interrupted by the woman now standing in front of you - straight, blonde hair framing her face and worry in her bright blue eyes, "Looks like you've been having a rough one."
Your hesitation makes her say, "Sorry, you probably don't want to open up to a complete stranger" - she reaches out her open hand for you to shake - "I'm Liv. Liv Morgan."

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