Pillow-Talk Lullaby

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"Are you going to fall asleep on me, baby?"
The cadence of the gentle words told you just how amused your girlfriend was that you were drifting off, your head resting on her warm thigh, the rest of your naked body curled up on the floor between her legs. Half-awake, you hum quietly - too tired to even try to open your eyes.
"Ah, that'll do it," Rhea said, presumably checking the time, "It's been hours."
"Mmhmm," you agree - it hadn't seemed like hours while it was happening, but your body knew better. It was as though every single muscle had been pushed to its limit and refused to do any more work.

At least the feeling that your arms and legs couldn't hold you up for the time being was accompanied by a sort of serenity that covered you like a weighted blanket. Recalling the highlights of the last few blissful hours, you chuckled to yourself softly.
"You're so cute when you're sleepy," Rhea muttered, fingers gently running through your hair. The feeling was so comforting, you couldn't help but smile wider. Today had been full of surprises, all of which had turned out wonderfully. The anxiety that had been itching at the back of your mind about Rhea's jealousy had dissipated - it was difficult to think of anything right now except how lucky you were.

Still unsure how long she was visiting or when you would see her again once she left, you tried your best to stay awake despite the relaxing feeling of Rhea's nails running gently across your scalp again and again; even if you couldn't open your eyes, you didn't want to miss a moment.
"Looks like it's bedtime, gorgeous," Rhea whispered, shifting her weight underneath you and stopping when you groaned in displeasure, "Shhhh, don't worry, I've got you."
With those words, you felt your girlfriend envelop you in her arms before slowly lifting you off the ground. You nuzzled your face into Rhea's shoulder as she strode over to your bed and gently planted a kiss on her neck before she set you down on the mattress.

"My sweet girl," she muttered, kissing your forehead before tucking you in.
The moment you made contact with the bedsheets, you wanted nothing more than to fall asleep in Rhea's arms - so you grabbed her hand insistently when she brought the blanket up to your chin.
"Don't worry, baby," Rhea said, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze, "I'm going to change and get us some more water and I'll be right back to cuddle with you."
Reluctantly, you let go and shift slowly under the covers as her gentle footfalls retreat. It's quiet for a moment until, suddenly, you hear faint singing.
It takes a few bars of unintelligible lyrics before you notice that it's a familiar tune and you strained your ears once you knew what to listen for.

"I feel you, my heart it sings
I feel you, the joy you bring
Where Heaven waits, to golden gates and back again
You take me to and lead me through oblivion
This is the morning of our love
This is the dawning of our love
I feel you, your precious soul
And I am home"

You didn't think those were quite the lyrics, but a feeling like flowers rapidly blooming in your chest overtook you all the same as you listened. Casually, you began to wonder how many others were lucky enough to have heard her beautiful, somewhat smoky singing voice.
This led to an image in your mind of every member of The Judgment Day singing along to the music on their road trips between shows. It wasn't until you thought about it and felt something like a tug deep in your chest that you realized you wished you could join them. All the time. Every trip.

Rhea had switched to humming instead as she walked back into your bedroom. You heard the sound of two glasses being set down nearby as your girlfriend grew quiet, crawling under the blanket and putting her arm around you.
"I love you, pretty girl," she whispered before kissing the back of your head softly.
"Mmm," was all you could reply as you grew more and more relaxed.
"You deserve the world..."
You weren't sure if it was because she thought you were asleep or not, but she kept going.
"... I'm doing everything I can to try and be better. For you. For Dom... It's just so difficult when I know one of you is with someone else. Something takes over and it's like I can't think."
You were glad she was trying to be self-aware, but couldn't personally relate - until the last thing she said:
"I just don't want to lose you."

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