Kiss The Cook

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Dazed by the early rays of morning light, you stretch and rub your eyes. You'd slept much better last night than you had the night before, and felt far more well-rested. Gently grazing the relaxed figure next to you, you pause before determining you haven't woken her. Moving carefully out of the sheets and off the bed, you duck into the bathroom. You don't leave until your face is washed, your knuckles are re-bandaged, and your hair is in an acceptable state.
Peeking into the bedroom, you notice Rhea hasn't moved much, if at all. Grabbing clean clothes, you change by the couch to let her sleep in. Then you had an idea.

Quietly walking to the kitchen, you look through the cabinets before pulling out and dusting off an old serving tray. After setting napkins and utensils on the tray, you set to work making breakfast from what you have in the fridge. Bits of what Rhea had said during your conversation last night floated through your mind as you cooked on the stovetop.

"I want to see you a whole hell of a lot more than I get to"
"I'll remind you how hot you are at every given opportunity"
"I'm going to do what I can to see you again, even if I have to fly you out to me."

Smiling to yourself, you feel far more secure than you did the last time Rhea was about to leave. There was even a confident swagger in your hips as you put together breakfast.

Once the finished food was on plates, you placed the dishes on the tray and take a step back to look at the arrangement. After determining something seemed to be missing, you look through your cabinets until you find a small vase. Looking at the bouquet of flowers you'd greeted Rhea with a couple days ago, you pluck one from the arrangement before filling the vase with water and setting the purple flower inside. Placing the floral adornment on an open space in the tray, you smile, nodding to yourself before carrying the whole of it to the bedroom.

"'Morning, Rhe," you say softly, stopping at the doorframe. No response. You walk a bit further in before trying again.
"Rhe? You hungry?"
The beautiful figure wrapped in your bedsheets stirs, mumbling something unintelligible.
"I have something for you," you almost sing with the cheery cadence of your voice.
Slowly stretching out, Rhea finally turns around and opens her eyes.
"Hm?" she takes a moment to look at you before processing the mouth-watering smells wafting from the tray. You set down the surprise breakfast on the bed next to her, watching her expression change.
"Oh, babe!" Rhea gasps, smile widening as she looks at the warm food, "You didn't have to do this!"
You're pulled into a kiss before you can respond. Resting your hands on her thighs for balance, you revel in the feeling of her caressing your face as her soft lips press against yours.
"You're too good to me," she says as soon as she pulls back, "Now help me eat all this."

Sitting on the bed, you grab a utensil and start to dig in.
"Mmm, delicious," Rhea says between bites. You had to agree, glad you had the foresight to make large helpings.
"Good way to wake up?" you ask her.
"One of the best," she replied, suggestively wiggling her eyebrows. You laugh before taking another bite.
"Wake, bake, 'n' breakfast?" you offer after swallowing.
"Wish I could," Rhea sighs, "I have a long day ahead of me once I get to the airport" - she checks her phone - "I don't have to be there for another few hours, but I still need to wash up and get all my things together."
"Let me know if I can help," you say, nodding.
"Thanks, love," she says before continuing to eat.

Shortly after finishing breakfast, Rhea stood up and started taking off her clothes. Coughing, you narrowly avoid choking on your food, not having expected the morning to change course so suddenly.
"I'm going to take a shower," she said, smiling at your reaction and the intensity of your stare as she stripped naked, "Wanna join me?"

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