You, Rhe, And Liv Makes Three

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"It was nice meeting you tonight! Let me know if you need anything"
The text from Liv ended with a heart.
"Liv is messaging you?" Rhea asked, eyebrow raised as you blushed at the text on your phone, "How did the two of you meet anyway?"
"I was smoking in the bathroom," you admit, "Coughed too loudly and she knocked, asked if I was okay, then we started talking."
You had noticed Rhea's body language shifted the moment she said Liv's name and wondered if this was leading up to something.
"She mentioned being into you at one point," you continue, watching her look of surprise at the statement, "Was she one of the women you had a crush on without realizing it?"
It was the first time you saw Rhea blush and refuse to look you in the eyes.
"It's okay," you assure her, "you can tell me - I won't judge."

Taking a deep breath, Rhea starts filling in the gaps of what you know about her and Liv Morgan.
"So, as I'm sure you've noticed by now, I can be intimidating in the ring - no one really thought to approach me in a kind or friendly manner, or if they did, that usually didn't last long... But Liv was different. We worked well together as a tag team, but at the time, she also seemed like the only person who could break through the wall I would put up. She would make me smile when nothing and no one else would."
You listened intently, giving Rhea an encouraging smile before she continues.
"There was a lot of talk around the locker room, and even with the fans; people speculating that we were dating or fucking. I never responded kindly when anyone asked me about it - but Liv never disputed it. There were times she would look at me and I thought I saw..." she ran her fingers through her hair, taking a beat before asking, "Did she really tell you she was into me?"

Despite knowing how much Rhea cared for you, it was difficult to fight the jealousy that crept at the corners of your mind. It wasn't as though you blamed her for being into Liv, but you worried you were a bit less special to her now, somehow.
"She did," you said, "She was pretty blunt about it."
"I can't believe I didn't realize..." she mutters, trailing off.
"Sounds like you were too busy having a crush on her to see it," you conclude, playfully nudging Rhea with your elbow.
She sat, brow furrowed, lost in thought for a moment - no doubt contemplating what could have been.
"There's no way I would have been able to accept how I felt about her, even if I did know at the time," Rhea concluded after shaking her head, "Besides, I wouldn't want to change anything if there was even a small chance of me not meeting you."
Your heart lept at her words as Rhea turned to look you in the eyes. Any jealousy you may have been feeling vanished.
"Thanks for listening to me, babe," she says before pulling your uninjured hand up to her mouth to kiss, "It means a lot."
"Sure thing, Rhe," you smile as she presses her lips gently against your fingers.

"I'm so lucky," she mutters between kisses that travel up your arm. You giggle at the soft sensations and moan slightly when she starts kissing your neck.
"Really?" Rhea teases you, "I haven't even done anything yet!"
"I can't help it," you tell her, face growing warm, "You put your mouth on me and I just... stop thinking."
"A bit of not thinking would be good for the both of us, now, wouldn't it?" Rhea whispered in your ear before planting more kisses on your neck. Feeling her hand slowly moving up your thigh, you let out another moan before managing to ask, "Rules?"
"None," Rhea says, fingers reaching under your skirt, "I just want to make my girl feel good."
The pressure from her hand against your panties makes you moan louder, a wave of desire sweeping over you.
"You okay if I carry you to your bed?" she asks, planting one more kiss on your neck.
"Please do," you sigh contentedly, giggling happily when she scoops you up in her arms.

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