Working Out Your Kinks

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Soft kisses against your neck and up to your cheek are the first sensations to wake you from a dreamless sleep, closely followed by the too-bright light of the morning.
Raising your hand to shield your eyes, you flinch, dropping your hand immediately when it starts to feel like your shoulder blade is trying to separate itself from your back. The small groan you let out doesn't escape your girlfriend's notice, and she pulls away to look at you, concerned.
"What is it, love?" Rhea asks.
"Think I slept weird," you mumble, blearily trying to come up with another possible explanation, "Back hurts."
"I'm sorry, baby," her voice was sweet as she shifted next to you, "Mami will have to remember to give you more breaks next time."
Of course: that must have been it. How had you forgotten being on your hands and knees for so long last night? Perhaps it had something to do with how amazing you had felt in the heat of the moment.
"Get on your stomach," she instructs you, sitting up, "Let's see if I can help."

Unsure what she meant, you nevertheless obeyed. Pressing your face against the pillow, you let it muffle the small yelp you release as your body shifts unpleasantly.
"Poor baby," she muttered, and you inhale sharply as you feel her fingers slowly press against your aching muscles before hearing, "Relax for me if you can, beautiful."
Fighting against your instinct to keep yourself tense, you take a deep breath, relaxing your muscles on the exhale.
"Good girl," Rhea whispered as she continued to massage you.
The usual context of those two words made a thrill course through your body. Rhea must have noticed your hips twitch - you weren't sure what else would make her giggle that way as she kissed your neck gently before continuing the massage.

After working out the biggest knot in your back, your girlfriend paused, sounding almost shy when she spoke.
"I have a match at next week's show," Rhea mentioned carefully as you sat up and stretched, "The venue is only a couple hours drive from here-"
"Maybe I can meet you after?" you suggest gently, anxiety creeping in when you realize where this was going and recalling what happened last time you went to see her wrestle.
"Alright then," she said after a moment, clearly remembering the worst parts of that same night and shaking off her shame, "You pick me up after the show and we can have a hotel room to ourselves that night and the next morning."
The stress you felt receded when you saw that she really was trying to make sure you felt safe.

Rhea leaned in close as she continued her train of thought, the passion fiery in her voice, "We can also have Dom join us, if you're feeling like being watched... or used from both ends."
The room was suddenly too warm as you imagined the possibilities. Getting off on camera was one thing, but having someone in the same room, watching the two of you?
You usually weren't attracted to men, but you felt comfortable enough with Dominik that the thought of having both him and Rhea pleasuring you was tempting. Perhaps you might even get to watch the two of them together.
When you saw the smirk on your girlfriend's face, you immediately turned away, realizing you hadn't even responded to her last two suggestions.
"Aww," Rhea smirked, gently but firmly grabbing your chin to make you look at her again, "You're so cute when you're flustered. Tell Mami what you were thinking, pretty girl."

"... Would I get to watch you and Dom too?" you ask after a few seconds, feeling even warmer when you hear how small and shy your own voice sounds.
"Dirty girl," Rhea chuckled as she let you go, "You can watch if you're a good little fucktoy for me and Dom-Dom. How does that sound?"
"Perfect," you breathed, unable to stop yourself.
"Oh you're filthy," Rhea all but purred as she brought her hand back up to your face, "I can't wait to use the two of you all night."

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