Fast Feud

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As soon as you sat in the car, JD said his goodbyes, looking away quickly when Finn locked lips with Damian and calling "take care" to the group as a whole before walking off. The joint you had lit made its way around the car once everyone was inside; Damian made sure all the windows were cracked open so he could continue driving and Finn refused more after his second hit left him coughing for a few minutes. As the joint was passed around the back seats, you were messaging Marisol and a few of your friends to try and relax. Still, Jacy's words echoed in your mind:
"Rhea Ripley's newest toy"
"Minion, distraction, press stunt"
"Right here!" Dom's voice broke you out of your reverie as you watched him point excitedly to a fast food place at the next light.
"Tranquilo, campeón," Damian chuckled before signaling as the car gradually slowed down.

"Everyone type out their order, I'm only doing this once," Damian handed his phone to Finn first after he pulled into the mostly-empty parking lot. You took a long drag, looking at the handful of cars queued up at the drive-thru before passing the joint to Rhea. Carefully exhaling out the window, you watched out of the corner of your eye as Rhea took a hit, grabbed Dom by the jaw, and exhaled into his open mouth before popping the joint between his lips as well.
Your phone buzzed, lighting up with Mari's response to you venting about your new insecurities.
"If it's bugging you, you should talk to her about it. Even if it seems silly. Or you won't stop wondering."
You marveled at how she seemed to give you advice without any hint of jealousy. Yet, you still had the reassurance that she cared for you with the sincerity of her manner - not to mention the way she looked at you as if you were endlessly beautiful and fascinating.

You typed your response:
"Okay, but if it doesn't go well, I'm blaming you"
Looking the message over, you tacked on a tongue-out emoji at the end before hitting send, your timing coinciding with Damian's phone being handed to you for your order. Fumbling with the phone, you slowly typed in your order. The anxiety bubbling up about having a conversation with Rhea was making you clumsy, especially since you would likely have to wait until the two of you were alone.
Once Damian had his phone again, the car joined two others in the drive-thru. A minute later, Damian was speaking loudly and clearly in response to the tinny voice coming from the speakers beside the menu. Finn tapped his boyfriend's shoulder urgently, asking upon receiving his attention: "Can I add five- SIX, six more things?" and was met with a sigh.
"You're quieter than usual," Rhea commented softly as Damian continued ordering, gesturing for Finn to message him the additions quickly, "What's wrong, love?"
You knew Marisol was right: you had to say something. An opportunity might not present itself so easily later. So, you took a deep breath and made yourself whisper back:
"Do you really love me?"

"Of course I do!" the blue-eyed beauty seemed distressed that you were even asking, "I love you so much, babe. What- Do I not tell you enough?"
"No, it's just... You never mentioned flirting with Cathy last night and-" you sighed, lowering your eyes and organizing your thoughts.
"...Do you know a wrestler named Jacy?"
"Sounds familiar, but I don't think we've met," Rhea muttered, brow furrowed.
"She said a lot of things that-" you stopped yourself from letting the exact words take up any more space in your thoughts than they already had before continuing, "Things about me and you. Now I keep wondering if she's right."
Glancing back at your girlfriend, you saw a rising intensity as she took in your statement.
"Looks like I'll have to see if I can get a match against her," Rhea said between gritted teeth, visibly holding herself back from a more visceral reaction in such close quarters, "Teach her a lesson about lying to my girl."

"Who are we fighting?" Dom asked as Damian pulled up to the first window.
"Doesn't matter what her name is; no one is going to remember it after I'm done with her," Rhea smirked. You could almost see the highlight reel of her future victory dancing behind her eyes.
"I'm more worried for her tag partner," you admitted.
But before you could continue, a haggard-looking employee opened the sliding window and requested payment. You immediately dove for your bag, ready to look through your wallet, but Rhea put a firm, steady hand on your shoulder and pulled you back.
"If we need to split it, I'll pay for yours," she reassured you, demeanor softening, "Money isn't something I want to add to your worries, love. Besides, I like getting you things."
"I love you," was all you could think to respond with.
Dom whispered "aww," soon heavily eclipsed by Finn's bellow of "GAAAAAAY."
Rhea flipped Finn off, kissing you tenderly.

"Thanks, man," Damian said, making you realize he had pulled up to the second window. Looking over, you saw Damian take some of the food and pass it back before hearing "Wait a minute!"
It was the person at the window, you saw when you leaned over curiously. They called back to the kitchen "Hey Jen! C'mere a minute!"
"What? What's so-" the approaching woman stopped talking the moment she peered into the car, suddenly speaking with a sense of reverence, "The Judgment Day! Oh man, I thought tonight was a bust because I had to work during your show, but you're actually here!"
The man who had called her over handed her some of the rest of the food to give to Damian.
"Good to meet a fan," Damian said as Finn tore through the bag he was handed, "You want spoilers or no?"
"Oh, I'm sure you guys won," she replied, handing over the last batch of bags, "Just a second while we get your drinks."
The window shut quickly and you faintly heard an excited, muffled squeal.

"I think we just made her night," Damian grinned at Finn, whose face was already stuffed with food, "Got everything you wanted, mi amor?"
Finn shook his head in the affirmative, mouth clamped firmly around the bite he was currently working on.
"Here you go!" the excited woman was at the window again with two trays of drinks. After handing them over, she peered into the back. Upon seeing you, Dom, and Rhea, she gave a small wave before showing off the bi pride pin on her apron and smiling.
Looking over, you saw Dom smiling back awkwardly and Rhea beaming, giving the woman a thumbs up. You couldn't help but grin, seeing how proud your girlfriend was of her sexuality.
Taking your drink from one of the trays, you pulled out your phone again to text Mari:
"Talking to her helped! Thank you for the push"
Your anxiety hadn't entirely left, but you did feel like a weight had been lifted; it would be much easier to celebrate Dom's win now.

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