This Is My Bisexuality

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"Mmm, wait... ah, wait wait wait!" you gently tug at Rhea's hair. She pulls back from you, a worried look on her face. Sitting on the edge of the bed with your shirt off, you wanted nothing more than Rhea's hands and mouth on you again, but there was something bothering you.
"You know you don't owe me anything, right?" you scan her face for a reaction as you keep talking, "I don't want you to do this just because you're high or you feel like you have to."
The worry on Rhea's face changes to relief and she smiles, moving to hold your hands in hers.
"I don't know if you've noticed," she looks you in the eyes, "but I don't do anything I don't want to. I want this" - she takes in the sight of your bare midriff, cleavage, and finally looks you in the eyes again - "I want you."
Those last three words send chills up your spine. Pulling your hands away from hers, you undo your bra and toss it aside.
"Then take me," you reply.

Looking at you hungrily, Rhea shifts to straddle your lap, pushing you all the way down onto the bed. She pulls her shirt off and runs her lips into yours, her hands groping you quickly before her fingers find your nipples. As you moan into her mouth, you feel Rhea smile into the kiss before pulling both her lips and hands away. The momentary lack of contact makes you whine before gasping and moaning as Rhea's tongue and teeth take turns playing with your nipples, her hands undoing your pants.
"Such loud noises," she teases, pulling down your pants, "Don't your neighbors complain?"
Gripping the sheets, you sit up and wriggle the rest of the way out of your pants as Rhea removes hers - eyes never leaving your body.

"Underwear too," she orders. You do as you're told, standing before her completely naked. One swift lunge in your direction and Rhea has you lying on the mattress again, pinning you down on your back and holding your legs up with one arm. Her other hand starts grabbing and smacking your ass before pulling down her underwear and grinding against you. Rhea wasn't kidding when she said she wanted you; she's very wet and the slick friction feels heavenly.

"Ohmygod, Rhea," you moan, only to have her pull away and smack your ass hard enough to leave a stinging sensation. You yelp before hearing her growl, "In bed, you call me Mami. Got it?"
"Yes, Mami," you reply quickly.
"Good girl," she smirks, releasing your legs and pulling away to completely remove the last of her clothes. Her grin widens as she watches the way you stare at her, your mouth agape. Even if she somehow didn't have the tattoos, she was a work of art; your eyes didn't seem to know what to focus on. Noticing her shift her weight from one hip to another, you finally look back up at her face.

"How do you want me?" you're referring to your position on the bed.
"Desperate, submissive and making more of those lovely noises," she quips, "and it looks like you have two out of three down." She laughs when you respond by sticking out your tongue.
"69?" she asks, crawling on top of you after you nod enthusiastically.
Swinging one leg over your head, Rhea gets into position. You open your mouth, sticking out your tongue to greet the soft, pink folds glistening above you as Rhea slowly lowers herself. The second your tongue makes contact, she lets out a low hum of pleasure, then a "good girl" once you start moving your lips and tongue against her at a faster pace.

Getting a good grip on your ass, Rhea brings her mouth down. The feeling of her warm, wet mouth against you makes you moan as your tongue dips inside her. But your rhythm, coordination, and self-control are gone as soon as you feel the groove of her tongue piercing. Squirming and clutching the sheets and bucking your hips, you feel wave after wave of pleasure run through you, building a bit more each time. The abrupt removal of Rhea's tongue is punctuated by another slap of your ass.
"Keep going with that sweet little mouth of yours if you want to come," she orders.

As soon as you start actively moving your tongue and lips again, Rhea puts her mouth back on you, making sure you can feel her tongue as well. Keeping your rhythm in the way you were moving your mouth became difficult once you felt the piercing again. However, when Rhea starts to slowly finger you at the same time, it takes all of your energy and concentration not to let your back arch your mouth away and release what would no doubt be extremely loud moans into the open air.
Wanting nothing more than to give in to the pleasure, but needing to stay focused, you're kept uncomfortably close to coming for what seems like far too long. Suddenly, Rhea's fingers start moving faster, her tongue shifting more rapidly, until you finally come hard.

"Good girl," the words drift toward you as Rhea shifts above you, moving to give you a deep kiss and grinning when she tastes herself on your lips, "Time to put that wet little mouth to work again, hm?"
She waits for you to reply, "Yes, Mami," before changing positions to sit on your face. Her fingers run through your hair as you start expertly moving your tongue and lips against her. The low moan she lets out makes you want to give her more, your rhythm picking up the pace, making her grip your hair and grind against your mouth. The moans escaping Rhea's lips became louder and longer, music to your ears, as she started grinding faster and more erratically until she let out a "fuck!" coming with a shudder. You flick your tongue a bit more once she starts moving less, taking advantage of her sensitivity and making her twitch with pleasure. She starts grinding against your mouth again as you pick up the pace, making her come much harder this time, an unrestrained moan ringing out from deep within her chest.

Pulling away from you - a strand of your spit and her cum connecting the two of you briefly - Rhea flops down on the bed next to you, guiding your face closer to hers for a deep kiss.
"So I'm guessing you enjoyed yourself?" you smile, taking in the sight of the flushed, satisfied expression on Rhea's face.
"What do you think?" she replied, her blissful demeanor not preparing you for her fingers tickling your sides, making you giggle and squirm at the sensation.
"I'm going to get us some water," you say, sitting up, "I don't know about you but I definitely need it after that."
Rhea gives your butt a squeeze as you stand up, winking once you turn back to look at her and giving you one last, lust-filled, "Good girl."

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