Good Bi, For Now

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"Here's everything of yours from my room!" you say, announcing yourself as you walk over to Rhea. She looks up from her suitcase and takes her clothes and purple bag from your arms, carefully placing them in the last open space available. Looking around, you realize just how many things of hers had been piling up in your apartment; the place looked a bit empty now.
Walking over to the remaining flowers from the bouquet you had greeted her with, you pick out two that are still vibrant and place one carefully in your hair. You turn around to see Rhea sitting on top of the closed suitcase, presumably having to use her weight and some force to shut the nearly-overflowing luggage. She smiles, watching you skip over before tucking the second flower behind her ear.

"You're too cute," she says before pulling you in for a gentle kiss, "We have enough time for a quickie if you want."
"You know I do," you reply, feeling your face warm as Rhea stands up, piercing blue eyes that stare you down looking somehow even more intense with the sharp black liner.
"Then get on your knees," she orders, undoing her pants, "Mami wants to use your mouth."
Dropping to the floor in time with her pants, you take your top off as quickly as you can before offering Rhea your mouth. She smirks, holding your head in place with both hands before lowering herself onto your awaiting tongue.

The shudder you feel running through Rhea's body as you make contact and start moving against her is echoed in her low moan.
"Faster," she says, praising you once you speed up. Her hips quickly start to twitch out of sync with your steady rhythm, moans growing more urgent.
"Fuck, yes, good girl," Rhea whimpers, throwing her head back as her grip on you tightens. Moaning against her in response, your vibrating mouth sends her over the edge.
There's no doubt in your mind this time that she's shouting your name as she comes, sending a thrill through your body. You had the Women's World Champion Rhea Ripley - one of the most gorgeous women on earth and a force to be reckoned with - screaming your name in ecstasy. Nothing could compare.

"Fuck, you're good at that," Rhea says once she's done, releasing you in favor of pulling her underwear back up.
"Are we still good on time?" you smile, licking your lips and grabbing your shirt. As if to answer you, Rhea's phone starts to buzz.
"Five minutes before we need to head out," she announces, turning off the alarm, "Perfect timing."
The two of you carry her luggage to your car, getting in once everything is secure. Rhea's hand moves to rest on your thigh as soon as you start the car. The feeling of her eyes on you doesn't leave as you turn onto the street.
"What's up?" you ask her after a minute, keeping your eyes on the road.
"Just looking at my beautiful girl," Rhea sighs, making you smile. You loved being called hers, and the part of you that hoped she meant it romantically kept trying to overpower your fear of jinxing anything.

The ride was over too quickly, you thought, trying not to glare at the airport as it came into view.
"Last chance to take me in that suitcase instead of your luggage," you joke, genuinely wishing you could go with her.
"You have no idea how much I want to," Rhea replied, surprising you with the sincerity in her voice as she rubbed her thumb against your thigh. You felt your face get warmer as you slowed the car, looking for an open space in the drop-off area.
Once you had found a spot and put the car in park, you turned to Rhea, placing your hand over hers.
"I had an amazing time, Rhe," you say, smiling at the sight of the flower in her hair, "Let me know when I get to see you again?"
She kisses you, softly but deeply, pulling back slowly before assuring you, "You'll know as soon as I know."

You jump slightly at the honk of a horn nearby, watching Rhea search for the source of the sound with a ferocity in her eyes. She opens the door, steps out, and stances like she's getting ready to fight. A second later you hear tires skid away as you open your door to figure out what was happening.
"That's what I thought," Rhea muttered under her breath, relaxing slightly as she walked toward the trunk of your car. You pop it for her, making sure she has everything before giving her one more kiss.
"I'll text when I land safely," she tells you before sauntering off with her luggage.
"Hate to see you leave, but I love to watch you go!" you call after her, laughing when she turns around to wink and stick her tongue out at you.

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