Living The Dream

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"Hey, you wanted to talk to me?" you set down your bag, letting the door to the dressing room swing shut on its own.
"Yeah, I hope it's not too much trouble," the silhouetted woman faced away from you, but you saw her nervously playing with her fingers in the mirror's reflection.
"Is everything okay?" you ask cautiously, keeping your distance. You want to reach out and comfort her, but somehow that feels dangerous.
"I think she knows," the woman replies, fear in her voice.
"You think who knows what?" your mind urgently starts searching for what could possibly be happening.
"Rhea," the woman whispers, a tremble in her voice, "She's going to hurt me so much worse this time."

"Why would she hurt you?" you're sure whatever it is, Rhea could be reasoned with.
"Because-" Liv turns around, tears at the corner of her eyes, biting her lip before continuing, "Because I just can't help myself around you."
Walking toward you, her manner softens and relaxes. You can't stop yourself from holding her face in your hand, wiping a tear from her cheek. Her eyes haven't left yours since she turned around and you feel your face getting warm. Hands resting on your waist, Liv leans in and catches your lips with hers, sending a thrill through your body. The kiss almost feels too good - making it extremely difficult for you to pull away, but you know you need to say something. Moving your hands to her shoulders, you gently push Liv away.

"Wait, I don't know if this is okay," you tell her, still not sure about the terms of your relationship with Rhea, "And I don't want you to get hurt."
"Trying to stay away from you hurts too much already," Liv replied in an absolutely heartbreaking voice, "Please, let me make you feel good. Just one time."
"We shouldn't..." you start, using every shred of energy you have to try and resist the desire bubbling up within you.
"But what if we never get another chance?" Liv asks, leaning forward again.
The look on her face is irresistible, and you don't push her back this time, leaning into the kiss once you feel her wonderfully soft lips on yours again. Her tongue enters your mouth as she starts slipping off your clothes and hers before running her fingers along your body - each touch is absolutely intoxicating. The sound of your own moans barely register in contrast to the sensations you feel as Liv's mouth travels further and further down your body.

"Babe? You okay?"
Of course I am, you thought, this is amazing.
Startling awake, you jolt up to a sitting position, running into Rhea slightly.
"Oof, sorry," you mutter, still trying to decipher reality from your dream, "Didn't mean to-"
"It's okay, babe," Rhea interrupt you, looking worried, "You were moving around a lot and mumbling. Bad dream?"
"Not really," you say honestly, rubbing your eyes as a good excuse to avoid eye contact as the details of your dream start flooding back. Feeling Rhea look at you, you did your best to try and resist the warmth rising in your face.
"Oh, was it a dirty dream?" Rhea asked, teasing you with her sultry domme voice, "If you admit to having a sex dream about me after we actually had sex, I cannot be held responsible for you having to deal with how cocky I get."

How were you supposed to answer? You thought of all the times Rhea had gotten jealous around you in the past. Still waking up, there was no way you would be as delicate as you wanted to be approaching the matter.
Noticing your hesitation, Rhea changes her tone, "I'm sorry, babe, I don't mean to pry. What goes on in that beautiful head of yours is your business." She slowly leans in and plants a kiss on your forehead, making you relax.
"That being said," she continues, grinning, "I definitely wouldn't mind knowing if I showed up in your dreams" - she winks - "and whatever we get up to in there."
"I dunno," you joke, "You did say I can't hold you responsible for how it inflates your ego."
"Aw, please?" Rhea exaggerates a pout in your direction, making you laugh.
"Okay, okay, I'll tell you when I have one with you," you chuckle, watching Rhea smile again.
There was a pause and you watched Rhea's face fall a bit when you made no mention of her being in the dream. Before you can try and comfort her, she smiles again, looking you in the eyes and asking, "I know it's early, but could we smoke a bit?"

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