Smoke And Mirrors

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"You're getting the hang of it!" you tell Rhea as smoke fills the air.
After you showed off by blowing smoke rings again, she had asked you to teach her how to do it. Occasionally there would be a decent ring that puffed forth from her lips, but pinpointing what did it seemed to be a bit of a challenge.
"I don't think I'm much closer than I was to begin with," Rhea sighs, "but thanks for the vote of confidence. Show me one more time?"
Grabbing the bong she leaned your way, you take in the rest of what had been the second bowl for this session, pulling the ash through before clearing the piece and managing to blow a few rings with the thin smoke.

Looking over at Rhea, you notice the bright red veins in her eyes surrounding her vivid blue hues as she stares at you, lids more relaxed than usual, mouth slightly agape.
"I think that last hit snuck up on me," she says, slowly leaning forward before giving your shoulder a soft, playful bite. You smile, setting the piece down next to the bed before her fingers find your sides, making you giggle and squirm as her laughter joins yours. The two of you continue like this until you tap out, lying on your back and panting to catch your breath.

Rhea lies down next to you, gaze following the curves of your body as her fingers interlaced with yours. You couldn't get enough of the way she looked at you; it made you feel confident like nothing else. Every time her eyes graced your figure, you felt truly beautiful. Half the time you weren't sure how to respond - it isn't as if she'd asked you to be her girlfriend. The last thing you wanted to do was overstep. You weren't even entirely sure what "open relationship" meant in her primary? relationship, aside from the physical. It almost felt like addressing it might mean risking whatever you did have with Rhea, and for you that was not an option.
The light graze of a hand on your face brings you out of your thoughts as your eyes focus again.
"You look worried," Rhea says, holding your face in one hand, thumb stroking your face.

I am worried, you wanted to say; I'm worried I got this close and you're just going to leave me. I'm worried I care more about you than you care about me. I'm worried that if you leave - when you leave - I'll never find anything like this again.
"... It's difficult not knowing when I'll see you again," you say. While that wasn't exactly what was on your mind, it did have the benefit of being a true statement. Rhea leaned forward to kiss your forehead before looking you in the eyes again.
"I know my schedule is busy," she says, "but I hope you realize that I want to see you a whole hell of a lot more than I get to" - you couldn't help but smile at the sincerity in her voice - "I'm going to do what I can to see you again as soon as I can. Even if I have to fly you out to me."
It felt like your heart was doing jumping jacks. Pulling Rhea into a hug, you nestle your head into the crook of her neck.

"Thank you," you say after you're sure you're not going to cry, "I lo-" you stop yourself, realizing what you were going to say, and try to smoothly alter it "I love having you here."
"In your bed or in your apartment?" Rhea asked as you pulled away, trying to lighten the mood.
"Yes," you say, earning a kiss which eases the anxiety of what you almost just said.
Running your fingers through her hair, you do your best to prolong the kiss, feeling a smile as you flick your tongue. Gently grabbing your hand, Rhea pulls back and plants kisses on your palm. Her eyelashes tickle slightly, prompting a giggle from you.
"You have the best smile," she says, making you blush slightly. Apparently, your bashful expression prompted her to continue, "Seriously, has no one told you how gorgeous you are before?"
"No one as beautiful as you," is your reply.
"Hard to believe when you pull out a line as smooth as that!" Rhea laughed.
"It's not a line!" you insist.
"Darling, you don't have to tell me how hot I am," she responds, "but I'll remind you how hot you are at every given opportunity. Even after I don't have to anymore."

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