You Shouldn't Have Come

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"On your feet, slut," Rhea barked, "Fetch me the purple bag from my suitcase. No detours."
"Yes, Mami," you say quickly, stumbling off the mattress - naked, baked, and now cum-drunk. Finding your balance, you walk directly to Rhea's luggage. Setting the black suitcase on the ground, you unzip it with both hands. The untidy array of dark, purple, and metal-clad fabrics that greeted you upon opening it gave you pause. A few seconds and you set to work again, sifting through clothes, eager to get back to the bedroom. This would be the first time the two of you have done anything like this together, and you had no idea what to expect. You would be lying if you said you weren't also feeling apprehension, but that somehow made it hotter. You finally spot the purple bag, surprised at how large and heavy it was, and impressed that it was still so difficult to find. The temptation to take a peek inside itched at your fingertips, but you were in enough trouble already.

Rhea was sitting on the bed when you came back with the bag, holding out her hand once you pass through the doorway. Giving her the bag, you stand in front of her quietly, fidgeting with your fingers and awaiting instruction.
She unzips the bag - now on her lap - as you watch, rifling through before pulling out a firm, black leather paddle, with two heart-shaped holes spaced evenly. Your eyes widened as Rhea sets the bag aside and looks at you with a sadistic grin, paddle in hand.
"Take that toy out," she demands. Grabbing the pink silicone between your legs, you give a steady pull and make a small noise as it slides out. Rhea watches you set aside the vibrator.
"Lie down, right here," she gives her lap a pat with her free hand. The moment your midriff touches her leg, she holds you in place. You haven't had your clothes on for a while, but it isn't until now that you feel truly naked.

"Have you used the traffic light system for safewords before?" Rhea asks, gently running a corner of the paddle along your ass.
"Yes, Mami," you confirm, hands gripping the sheets in front of you in preparation.
"We're going to use that for this punishment," she informs you, "Are you ready?"
"Yes, Mami," your voice trembles slightly and you close your eyes.
The paddle comes down, making a small clap as it touches your skin. You had been expecting more force and were grateful she seemed to be easing you into this.

"Did you disobey me on purpose?" she hit you with the paddle again, a bit harder this time. You made a small noise before responding.
"No, Mami," you say earnestly, "I don't want to disobey you."
"But you did," Rhea growled, hitting hard enough this time to make you yelp audibly. The lasting stinging sensation was just within range of what turned you on, making this perhaps less of a punishment than intended.
The next hit was even harder, making you cry out. You had no doubt your cheeks were starting to pink up as your bare ass aches.
"What do you have to say for yourself?" you can hear the slight, cocky smile in her voice.
"I'm sorry, Mami" you squeak, gripping the sheets to brace yourself for the next hit.

"Keep going," Rhea gives your tender spots a squeeze, making you squirm.
"I'm so sorry for coming without permission," the words leave you quickly, "I didn't mean to."
"Good girl."
Those words sent your heart soaring.
"But I need to make sure you won't do it again," she said before the paddle landed harshly on you. A pained shout slices through the air, muffled halfway through by the sheets you were clutching up to your mouth.
"Please, Mami," you beg, "I've learned my lesson."
You muffle another shout as the paddle sends sharp waves of pain coursing through you.
"That's for me to judge," she scolds, hitting you again. Groaning into the sheets, you pull up your head again.
"Please stop, Mami, I'm so sorry, I'll never do it again," your words run into each other.
One more hard smack and you're approaching your breaking point, eyes stinging a bit as tears well up.

"Yellow!" you shout, sore and sensitive.
Rhea immediately puts the paddle down and begins gently massaging what were no doubt very red marks at this point. She hadn't let go with the hand and arm she braced you with, and that comforted you.
The feeling of her hand massaging your ass made you moan, despite the pain. She gave your sore spots a quick smack with her hand, reminding you this wasn't about your pleasure.
"Thank you, Mami," you say, somewhat suddenly, "Thank you for easing me into it."
"Of course," she says, voice softening, "It looks like my good girl has learned her lesson" - she let go of you, letting you stand up before caressing your face with her hand, eyes looking deeply into yours - "You did so well for Mami."

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