TJD (Telenovela Judgment Day)

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Things felt a bit less tense after everyone agreed to be civil. Rhea spent most of the time after ordering watching the interactions between Finn and JD, while also keeping an eye on Damian. Seeing the way she cared for every member of her found family made you feel like you were falling even more deeply in love with her. You beamed at her before letting her tend to the more unpredictable members of the group, taking this time to chat with Dominik.
"So what do you think about this guy?" you ask him, subtly glancing in the direction of JD McDonagh.
"Honestly?" Dom asks, looking at the two Irish men, "I've never seen Finn this interested in someone. Well, except maybe-"

He was interrupted by Damian slamming his fist into the metal table, knocking over the condiments and menus while leaving a sizable dent. Standing up quickly, fuming, Damian grunted "Gonna take a walk" before storming off. Rhea stood up to take care of the mess, but JD insisted he had it. She thanked him, glanced at you - smiling when she saw that you were already giving her an understanding thumbs-up - and went after Damian.
"Ah, shit," Dominik sighed, "Thought I was being quiet enough..."
"I feel like there's something everyone else knows about this that I don't," you say, feeling a bit confused, "Care to help bring me up to speed?"

"Just don't tell Damian I told you," Dom whispers, making sure Finn and JD weren't listening before continuing, "Rhea and I think Damian has a thing for Finn. But Finn has never been... It's not that he's not supportive, he just gets weird about anyone thinking he might be into dudes. A little too weird about it, sabes?"
Nodding, you recall several people growing up who behaved similarly before coming out.
"Anyway, neither one of them wants to tell us anything so it's all been drama and guess work," Dominik says, sounding frustrated, "I'm not about to ignore my BiFi, though; I think there was something between them."
"Your what?" you laugh, making sure you heard right.
Dom lets slip a goofy grin, "BiFi! It's like gaydar, but it goes both ways."
It isn't long before you're doubled over laughing.
"What's so funny, you two?" Finn asks, looking a bit self-conscious. You try to compose yourself to respond, but Dominik beats you to it.
"Mami's been thinking of getting this new strap, right," he starts, holding out two hands and increasing the distance between them, making Finn's eyes go wide, "It's supposed to be extendable-"
"Nevermind!" Finn shouts, putting up one hand between him and Dominik, "None of my business!"

"Quick thinking," you whisper the compliment to Dom, noticing Rhea and Damian walking back up as you do, the latter looking significantly less upset. Crossing her arms, Rhea stops in front of the table, looking pointedly at Damian. He looks somewhat embarrassed and stands next to her for a moment before she elbows his ribs.
Wincing, Damian sighs before addressing the table, "I'm sorry, guys. I promise that won't happen again."
Looking satisfied, Rhea gave him a warm pat on the shoulder before the two sat back down at their seats. The moment she sat down between the two of you, Rhea let out a tired sigh and offered you and Dominik each a hand of hers, smiling when you both took them at the same time. It was only for a moment before the food arrived, but you and Dom had seen her radiate with happiness in the brief time both of you were holding her hand and smiled contentedly at each other.

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