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The engraved "BITCH" on Dominik's tag seemed almost ironic, catching the light now and again as he stripped you naked, littering the hotel room with your clothes. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Rhea's phone pointed at you again and focused in on her dark nails and tattooed hand before Dom cuffed your own hands above your head, holding them there.
Free hand trailing light touches across your chest and stopping to pinch your nipples, Dom stared down at you, seeming as fascinated by your body as he was with the sounds you made.
"Que linda," he muttered before kissing down your neck, leaving a trail of small bites that made you shiver - until he found an area that made you clutch him tighter when he bit down. Suddenly, he took a much larger, rougher bite there, sucking your skin between his teeth.
"Please! Please!" you cry out, so ready to take him you're aching.

When you get no response, you whimper and try, "Por favor?"
Pulling away to examine his work, Dom grins.
"Mami was right about you being desperate," he said, clearly amused by your efforts, "But I heard you can beg better than that, muñeca."
"He's right, gorgeous," Rhea agreed when you huffed, "I've made you beg in full sentences before."
"Please..." you made yourself find the words, "I want... I want you inside me, please."
"Hmmm," Dom sounded like he was savoring making you wait, "How badly do you want it?"
"So badly."
Even you could tell that didn't sound convincing, so you used the last bit of coherency you had to clarify.
"Please, I'll do anything!"

"Que buena," he muttered, leaving his position above you to stand by the bed - to your momentary disappointment, "Now prove it. Get on your knees for me."
Hands still cuffed, you lower them in unison to help you get off the bed and into position. The speed with which you dropped to your knees made Rhea praise you as Dom slid down his pants, stroking the bulge that strained his black boxer briefs.
Dominik's jaw drops as he watches you tactfully use your arms to push your tits together and then open your mouth, sticking out your tongue as you obediently look up at him.
"Fuck," Dom breathed, reaching down to cradle your face with one hand. The second he starts rubbing your cheek with the pad of his thumb, you intercept the movement.
Wrapping your mouth tightly around the digit, you start sucking and licking, never breaking eye contact.

"Sóplame," Dominik moaned, watching you as he continued stroking himself, "Dame esta boca tan buena, perrita."
It was a surprise for you, feeling so turned on by being called that, considering the circumstances of the first time he had dubbed you "perrita."
"You heard the man," Rhea encouraged you as Dom lowered the elastic band of his underwear down below his thighs.
Eyeing what sprung forth to greet you, you were still slightly hesitant to let go of the thumb in your mouth.
"Don't be a brat, princess," your girlfriend slid across the bedsheets when she noticed you pause, grabbing a fistful of your hair and waiting for Dom to pull his thumb out of your mouth before forcing you to take his entire length in its place.

Gagging in surprise, you instinctively move to pull back despite the pleasured moan from Dominik. However, Rhea still has a firm hold on you and chuckles at how helpless you are.
"Use your tongue first," she commanded, "Savor the taste of what you want so badly."
Your tongue started to dance around Dom as he twitched and throbbed in your mouth.
"That's a good little cocksucker," Rhea purred before using the hold on your hair to start bobbing your head back and forth.
You couldn't stop yourself from moaning, the sound a whispered vibration with your mouth full. The wetness between your legs must have been dripping onto the floor at this point, but the thought left your mind as you focused on finding a good rhythm to breathe through your nose.
Dom began to thrust into your mouth in time with the way Rhea was moving you, making you gag every now and then. Soon, the tempo was such that you had to make a tremendous effort to keep your lips over your teeth to soften their edges.

Between the grunts and whimpers, it sounded like Dom was getting close.
Rhea noticed as well, pulling your head all the way back and holding you there, inches away from him. A string of drool and precum still connected your tongue to his tip.
"Mami," Dom whined, trying to grab hold of your hair to pull you forward again - only to have his hand smacked away.
"Awww, poor baby," Rhea mocked him, "Were you going to come?"
"Yes, Mami," he admitted, rubbing his hand and immediately taking on a more submissive demeanor.
"But you've only used one of her holes," she tutted in response, "Trust me, you don't want to end it here."

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