Gone With The Riptide

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Rolling green hills spread out before you, grass bending in the breeze creating waves. Looking to your right, you see Rhea, so beautiful it almost hurts. She grabs your hand, leading you forward as you both run through the grass. Clouds are gathering overhead - quickly, too quickly. The sky grows darker and you can feel someone following you, darting through the shadows. Rhea keeps running faster, so far ahead now that you can't hope to catch up. All you need is to cry out for her, but your words are stuck in your throat. You open your mouth, but there's no sound except the pounding of your heart as it keeps getting darker-

Startling awake, the first thing you see in the bright morning light is Rhea.
"Are you okay?" she asks, "You were making noises in your sleep and twitching-" you throw your arms around her, holding tightly and breathing in the calming scent that seemed to follow her around. Rhea hugs you back, stroking your hair and muttering, "I've got you. You're safe."
Letting a few tears roll down your cheeks, you remember she's leaving today. It had been a while since you'd fallen asleep in someone's arms like you had last night. Now, having her in yours, you never wanted to let go. Would you even see her again after she left?
"Hey," you sniff pulling back just a bit, "Can I get your number? I just realized I don't have it." Rhea chuckles at the non-sequitur.
"My number? But we only just met!" she jokes.
The two of you had only just met; you'd had an amazing time together and she was going to leave already. More tears rolled down your face at the thought, making Rhea pull you close again.
"Oh, babe, I was joking" - she kisses the top of your head - "I'm definitely giving you my number. I mean, how else am I going to send you nudes later?"
You can't help but laugh, hugging her tightly. After a few more moments in her arms, you pull back, grabbing a few tissues from the box by the bed.

"Leftovers for breakfast?" Rhea asks as you blow your nose.
"Let's do it," you reply, drying your eyes before grabbing your phone.
The two of you make your way to the kitchen, your gaze following the movements of Rhea's body. Lucky for you, she seemed comfortable enough to forgo pants for the moment. Once you start heating up the food, you open your phone and put it in Rhea's hands. She smiles and enters her number, handing the phone back to you. You look down at the new contact and find she's put herself down as "Mami." Briefly looking up, you see her giving you a knowing look before you send her a text so she has your number. The microwave beeps and you set your phone aside to keep putting together breakfast.

Once you've set up on the couch, the two of you dig in, Rhea occasionally stealing bits of your food.
"So," you ask, trying your best to sound casual, "how much time do we have left before you have to leave?"
Rhea finished chewing, "I should probably start heading to the hotel around early afternoon" - there's a tinge of irritation in her voice - "I have training to do, not to mention the whole Dom situation..."
You rest a hand gently on her thigh, "Would it help if I drove you there?"
She looks you over, shaking her head, "I don't think it would help me very much if he saw what I've done to your neck."
You'd almost forgotten - you had yet to take a look in the mirror, but based on just how good it felt when Rhea's teeth were on your neck, the hickeys must have been obvious.
"I'll be alright, though," Rhea continued, "He doesn't like to admit it, but I could easily beat up Dominik if it came down to it." She flexes, winking at you before continuing to eat.

Picking up your phone, you look at yourself in the camera. Your fingers trail lightly on your neck over the dark purple and red bruises on either side before messing with your bedhead. Closing the app, you notice it's already almost noon. Turning to Rhea, you feel your heart drop. She's so beautiful it hurts, and you had no idea when you would see her next.
"I'm going to miss this," you admitted, looking down at your plate.
"You have more leftovers, you know," she teases, finishing the last of her food.
The look you give her makes Rhea laugh before setting her head on your shoulder, "... Me too." Her honest answer was a bit surprising to you. Rhea Ripley was going to miss being with you? A woman with no shortage of friends and admirers was going to miss you. The concept was flattering, but you couldn't seem to wrap your head around it.

Eating the last of your food, you set the plate on the table before cuddling up to Rhea. She puts her arms around you, reclining as you relax into her embrace. Your last couple hours together are spent cuddling, kissing, and joking back and forth. Though you try to savor every moment, the hour of Rhea's departure seems to come all too soon.
After she puts all of her clothes back on and gathers her things, the two of you are saying goodbye at the door.
"Here," you hand her the sunglasses she wore the day before, "they look better on you anyway."
Rhea takes them, pausing for a moment before sliding her battle vest off her shoulders and resting it on your shoulders instead. A smile spreads across your face as she looks you over, "You keep that, it looks hot on you."
You blush, pulling her in for a deep kiss. A buzz from Rhea's phone interrupts you and she sighs once she takes a look at the screen.
"My ride is here," she gives you one more kiss and takes in the sight of you one last time.
"Text me when you get there safely?" you feel ridiculous asking, but worrying was in your nature.
"Sure thing, beautiful," she says, putting on the sunglasses and ducking out the door.
As she leaves, you almost feel as though a part of you is leaving with her, replaced by the familiar feeling of loneliness.

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