R(h)emind Me I'm Yours

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Squinting in the face of the lamp you just lit, you let your eyes adjust before sitting down on the couch. You usually didn't smoke at this hour unless you'd woken up from a bad dream, and your apartment seemed a bit surreal. Glancing through the dark windows, you feel almost as if you're sitting in a liminal space - just waiting for the bus or the train at some odd hour of the night.
"I'll get us some more water, babe," Rhea says, walking out from your bedroom and giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze as she passes you.
"Thanks, Rhe," you reply, smiling, watching her duck into the kitchen before getting your supplies together. Searching the cushions for your lighter, you realize you had left your phone on the couch when Rhea had carried you to the bedroom earlier.

Recalling the message Liv sent before you went to bed, you decide to check your phone later and continue looking until you've found the lighter, getting to work packing a new bowl once you do.
Flashes of the dream you had just woken up from kept entering your mind as you packed the flower. It hadn't been much of a question in your mind as to whether or not you wanted to see anyone other than Rhea - until you had met Liv. As much as you hoped the dream meant nothing, your dreams had never been particularly metaphorical or difficult to decipher; this one was no exception. However, entering into a relationship with someone who already had a partner was new enough for you. Starting something with someone else at the same time seemed like too much right now, especially someone your girlfriend had a history with. Yet it seemed like the thought wouldn't leave so easily.

"Don't tell me you started without me!" Rhea joked, taking in your distant stare as she turned the corner with two glasses of ice water.
"I would never," you reply, brought back by the comforting sound of her voice and gesturing to the untouched greens you had packed. Sitting next to you, Rhea set down the drinks before snaking an arm around your waist and pulling you in for a kiss. The pressure from her lips made you smile, as if a bit of happiness from every other time she had kissed you was pouring from her mouth and into yours.

"Shotgun me?" Rhea asks, tracing your lips with the tips of her fingers after pulling away an inch. You nod slowly, caught in her hypnotic gaze - the look she gave you when she knew you wanted her.
"Take a nice, big hit for Mami," she says, voice low and sultry as she moves the mouth of the bong in your direction before plucking the lighter from your hand.
"Good girl," Rhea praises you as you inhale the bowl she lights for you, eyes not leaving yours as you squirm in your seat. Pulling out the bowl, she smirks as you struggle to take in the rest of the smoke - a bit more than you're used to, taking up the last of the space in your lungs. Helping you keep the piece steady with one hand, Rhea leans in and sucks out the smoke from between your lips faster than you can exhale.

"Don't forget to drink plenty of water, baby," she says, letting the smoke escape as she spoke, "You're going to need it."
Setting the piece on her own lap instead, Rhea gave your lower back a gentle squeeze, encouraging you to grab your water and take a few sips. Even having broken eye contact, you felt her eyes watching you, making note of every small signal you couldn't hide that you wanted nothing more than to be underneath her.
Turning around at the sound of the bong water bubbling, you catch Rhea taking in the last of a hit she must have started while you were too distracted thinking of what you wanted her to do to you. Grinning, she pulls you back close to her by your waist, setting aside the piece and lighter to free her other hand.

Caressing your face, Rhea pries your lips apart with her tongue before forcing as much smoke into your mouth as she could, as quickly as she could. The strength behind the way she touched you seemed to have returned to intensity with which she held and played with you before ever having hurt you, teeth moving to your neck, making you let out a desperate "yes!" once she started sucking and biting. As wonderful as it was when Rhea was soft and gentle with you, you had been craving the passion that knocked you off your feet - unfiltered, unrestrained, pure desire.
"Tell Mami what you want, baby," she purrs in your ear, groping you underneath your shirt.
"Mmm, fuck," you whisper as her fingers find your nipples - then louder, "Please, Mami... I want you to be rough with me. I want you to cover me in marks so everyone knows I'm yours."
"Such a dirty girl," Rhea praises you, pulling hard on your nipples before letting go, chuckling at the moan you let out, "Let's cover that pretty body of yours in bites and bruises, darling."

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