Definitely A (Fucking) Mark

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Grabbing and smacking your ass, Rhea pushed you back into your bedroom, shoving you down onto the mattress before pulling off your clothes. Trailing the tips of her nails up the inside of your thighs, body pressed on top of yours, she growled in your ear, "Tell me who you belong to."
"I belong to you, Mami," you moan, squirming under her touch.
"That's right, baby," she says, the feeling of her breath making you shiver before being grounded by a nip at your ear, "Now what do you have for me to tie you up with, gorgeous?"
Rhea's mouth finds another empty spot on your neck to bite and suck on as you try to think, moaning and gripping her hair.
"I have some belts," you tell her once her lips leave the fresh mark on your skin.
"Go get them," she orders, sitting beside you and giving your hip a small pinch to encourage you to move, making you whine.

"Yes, Mami," you reply, sliding off the bed in the direction of your closet. Turning on the light, you rummage through your clothes for your belts, pausing when you feel two hands holding onto your waist.
"Keep looking," Rhea tells you, voice firm as she grinds against your ass, making you gasp at how wet she is. The feel of cool metal brushes against your fingertips and you grab it quickly, taking a fist full of accessories with it. Separating the belts, you turn slowly as Rhea loosens her grip on your sides and show her what you've found.
"Hmmm," she takes her time inspecting each one before plucking a leather belt with hard metal fastenings from your grip, "This should do nicely."

Turning the light off, you drop the rest of the belts behind you before being pulled back into Rhea's arms, smiling.
"Face down on the bed and hands behind your back," she ordered, chuckling when her tone turned your expression desperate. Once you were bent over the mattress, the leather belt slid across your wrists, making you inhale sharply when Rhea pulled hard before securing a tie. A stinging sensation on your ass makes you cry out, the slap ringing in the air before Rhea brings her hand down on you again.
"So much squirming and I haven't even left a mark yet," she teased, "Now stay still like a good girl."
"Sorry, Mami," you apologize, half-muffled by the sheets. You would have continued, if Rhea hadn't chosen that moment to shift from spanking your ass to biting it. It took all your focus not to move too much, and the effort still felt ineffective, your body flinching away from the pain despite how much you wanted it to last. Moving onto your other cheek, Rhea took the opportunity to run her fingernails down your back before biting down hard. Staying still soon became a definite impossibility, your cries urgent as you feel your skin break, blood touching air.

"Fuck," you whimper in pain, cursing into the bedsheets.
"You're doing so good for Mami," Rhea praises you, slowly rubbing her fingers between your legs, turning your moans to ones of pleasure as she kissed and ran her tongue down the scratches on your back. Taken over by the intensity of her touch, you ride out the building waves of pleasure, punctuated by new and rough bites between your thighs as Rhea's fingers pumped in and out of you.
"I'm getting close," you whine, doing your best to make sure you could be heard.
"Not yet," Rhea says, chuckling when you huff in frustration.
"Please," you beg, moaning as another bite marks your thighs.
"Remind me whose girl you are again, baby," she purrs.
"I'm yours, Mami," you moan, words running into each other, "All yours, Mami."
"Good girl," Rhea growls, "Now come nice and hard for me."

Those words are all it takes for you to give into the sweet sensation of her fingers inside you, releasing the control you have over your own body. Faintly through your own pleasured moans you can hear "that's it" and "keep going" until she slides out of you, pulling you up a bit by your hair and pushing her fingers into your mouth for you to clean her off.
"Such a good girl," Rhea whispers in your ear, letting go of your hair in favor of undoing the belt around your wrists, "Don't ever forget you're mine."

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