Feeling Of (Be)longing

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"Here we are!" you announce, parking in the small lot behind the resource center. The single-story building was by no means new, but the colorful mural on the side facing the lot was vibrant. The flag pole on the roof had the rainbow and trans pride flags flying, you note, smiling up at them as the two of you get out of the car. Rhea takes in the sight of the building, then looks over at you, holding out her hand. You take it happily and the both of you walk around to go in through the front door.

"Welcome!" a cheery voice called out a second after the opening door made a bell ring. The two of you walk in and the first thing you see is a tall woman with a crown of tight curls behind a desk. Aside from the computer at which she sat, the desktop was covered in flyers, pamphlets, and containers filled with free condoms and packets of lube.
"Have the two of you been here before?" she asked, smiling at you and Rhea.
"I have," you explain, "but she hasn't."
"Gotcha," the woman nods, "My name is Lucy. Would you like the tour?"
You turn to look at Rhea, waiting for her to respond.
"That would be great," she said.

Lucy led the two of you down a hall, pointing to a few doors as you passed them and telling you what each room was for.
"This is our universal restroom, stocked with menstrual products, so no one has to ask for any! And over here is the room where we do the needle exchange; it's stocked with sharps containers, new needles, and harm reduction kits. Let me know if you want a card for the exchange and I can print one out for you!"
The last door - wedged open at the end of the hall - led into the largest room. It was a sort of living room area; two couches and some stray chairs sat facing a bulky television, currently being used by two teens to play a video game as a couple others watched and chatted.
"And this is our hang-out space," Lucy said, "We have a library of queer literature you can read while you're here" - she pointed to the full shelves against one wall - "And we do LGBT+ movie screenings every week. We actually have quite a few regular events, as you can see" - she gestured to the large whiteboard calendar on one wall - "Support groups, game nights, potlucks - we stay busy!"

After taking in the details of the room while listening to Lucy, you turn to look at Rhea. She seems a bit awestruck.
"So, do you folks have any questions?" Lucy asked.
"Not at the moment," Rhea answered.
"No worries!" Lucy replied, "Feel free to hang out for as long as we're open, and let me know if you need anything."
She walked back to the front desk as Rhea looked at the events listed on the calendar for this month.
"What do you think, Rhe?" you ask, studying her face. You couldn't quite tell what she was feeling - or trying not to - as she takes a deep breath.
"There's- I mean, it's-" you'd never seen her at a loss for words like this before, "... all the people who come here, all the people who wrote those books... there are so many." You were surprised to see her eyes starting to tear up a bit.
"And that woman, Lucy, talked to me like I was part of all this," she continued, looking away, determined not to let any tears fall, "I've just never felt so..."
"Seen?" you offer after a moment. Rhea nods, inhaling sharply and clearing her throat before putting on her nonchalant demeanor again, almost seamlessly.
"Thanks taking me here, love," she says, looking over at the array of people sitting around the TV, an amused and somewhat complex expression making its way into her face after a moment. Rhea shifts to the side slightly.

"Really?" she mutters under her breath, suddenly picking you up in a bridal carry before walking toward the hall, saying "let's get out of here, gorgeous" in a far more audible voice before tossing a look over her shoulder.
"So, not that I don't enjoy being in your arms," you say to Rhea as she sets you down and the two of you exit the front door, your hand in hers, "but what was that?"
She looks angry, but you couldn't figure out why.
"... Someone back there was checking you out," she said, walking with you to the car.
Letting out a short, amused laugh, you squeeze her hand before letting go to open the doors, "Oh please, you were right next to me. They were probably checking you out."
Slamming the car door shut with a bit too much force, Rhea sat and huffed.
"I moved and their eyes didn't," she insisted, "they were looking at you."
Seeing Rhea so protective did something to you; making you feel wanted in a way you weren't used to. Gently resting your hand on hers, you lock eyes when she looks up.
"I don't care what anyone else is looking at," you assure her, "because I only want to look at you."
Expression softening, Rhea leans in, holding your face up to hers with one hand. This kiss somehow seemed different than the others you'd shared, as if there was an extra spark. You tried not to think about it too hard; it felt a lot like getting your hopes up.

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