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Sitting down on the mattress, Rhea set you down in her lap, her chest pressed against your back. One hand traveled up your shirt to grope your chest as she gently nibbled on your ear. Moaning, you spread your legs apart further, causing Rhea's other hand to reach under your skirt.
Despite you knowing she was being careful with you, it was intoxicating being this close to her. It was as if every touch from Rhea had an extra charge of electricity now that you knew she shared your feelings. The tenderness of her skin on yours felt as intense as when she was being rough - taking over your senses.

"You're so fucking sexy," Rhea breathes in your ear, fingers rubbing the wet spot between your legs, your panties pushed to the side, "And all mine."
"I love being yours, Mami," you moan, grinding against her hand.
"Tell Mami what you want, darling," Rhea purrs in your ear.
"I want you to fuck me, please," you say, squirming in her lap.
"Good girl," she praises you before lifting you up again to set you down on your back. After pulling your panties off, Rhea slides out of her shorts and climbs on top of you. There's a warmth in her eyes as her gaze runs across your body, stopping at your face. Your heart beats faster, every nerve ending yearning for more of her touch.

The moment Rhea's fingertips press against your wetness you whimper, never taking your eyes off her. The slight friction only makes you want more. Biting your lip, you grip the sheets to grind against her hand.
"Use your words, beautiful," Rhea coos, watching your reactions, "Mami loves to hear your voice."
Face growing warm, you break eye contact before replying, "Please finger me, Mami."
"You're so cute when you're shy," Rhea says, planting a kiss on your cheek before reaching over for the bottle of lube near your bed.
Once her fingers were slick, she moved back into the best position to have her lips on yours while she slowly entered you. Rhea's tongue flicked inside your mouth as you moaned into the kiss, clenching around her fingers. She slid in and out of you at a steadily increasing pace, moving her mouth to your neck and praising you when you moaned louder, your desire building.

"Love making my girl feel good," Rhea said, fingers thrusting underneath your skirt as you felt your pleasure build, "You make the best noises for Mami."
Her words started to send you near the edge, making you moan "M'gonna come!"
"Come hard for Mami, baby," Rhea says, thumb brushing against your lips as she watches you begin to convulse, crying out in ecstasy.
"That's it, my sweet girl," she says, fingers unrelenting as she talks you through your orgasm, "Show Mami just how much you're enjoying yourself."
Her voice seems to make every wave of pleasure more vivid and all you can think about is how you never wanted her to stop.

"Does my good girl want Mami's mouth?" Rhea asks, fingers still sliding in and out of you.
"Please!" you whimper, making her chuckle as she moves her face down under the hem of your skirt.
The feeling of her warm, wet mouth joining her fingers quickly made it difficult to resist letting yourself come again. Your fingers grip Rhea's hair as you cry out even louder this time, lost in the bliss she was giving you. She hummed against you, one hand keeping your legs open as her fingers curled slightly inside you. All sense of time had fallen away - you had no idea how long you came for, just that the first thing you heard once you finished was "You did so good, babe."

Rhea wrapped her arms around you, holding you close and planting kisses all over your face, making you smile and laugh.
"You make me feel better than anyone ever has," you admit when you can string together words again.
"Careful, gorgeous," Rhea jokes, "You're going to give a girl a superiority complex if you keep talking like that."
"As if you don't already know you're amazing," you reply, giving her a gentle shove.
"I don't think it's all me," she says, making you raise an eyebrow, "I feel like... you make me a better person."
"You were always a good person," you tell her, pulling her closer, "You just needed to work some things out."
"Thanks, babe," she says, squeezing you back, "I love you."

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