Backstage Rage

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Today was the day. You had made sure to pack enough joints, supplies, and flower to deal with the several crowded areas and social situations you were sure to encounter tonight. You double-check how you look in the mirror before heading out to spend some time with Rhea and the Judgment Day as they got ready for their match that night. Parking somewhere discreet, you smoke half a joint in your car before heading toward the event building, the cloud of smoke exiting the car with you soon dispersed by the breeze.
Getting past security was easy once you arrived at the venue, thanks to the pass and instructions Rhea had sent you. Walking down the hall you'd been directed to take, your heart raced as much from eager anticipation as from anxiety, but the sight you saw upon turning the corner made it all vanish.

"Hey there, stranger," Rhea said, making you squeal in delight before running toward her. Catching you in her arms, she spins you around before pulling you in for a kiss. Her lips felt like coming home after a long journey.
"I missed you," you whisper as you part, eyes greeted by her breathtaking face and figure.
"Missed you too, babe," she replies, smiling, "Ready to meet the boys?"
You nod, right behind Rhea as she led you by the hand toward the locker rooms.

"There she is!" Damian greeted you, clapping his hand onto your shoulder, making you flinch slightly at the sudden movement, "Good to finally meet you, chica."
"Nice meeting you too! Damian, right?" you checked.
"That's me," he said before turning to Rhea and saying, "Mira, I need you to settle something."
"What now?" Rhea sighed, letting go of your hand to cross her arms.
"He wants to change the plan for the match tonight is what," Finn says, walking over, "There's no need! It's ridiculous! It's unnecessary!"
"The two of you are ridiculous," Rhea said, massaging her temples, "I'm going to say this once: If the Judgement Day is going to continue running WWE, we need to stay on the same page" - she pointed emphatically at one end of the room - "Now find. A way. To compromise."
Damian took in the anger and irritation seething from Rhea and nodded, giving you a small wave before heading across the room with Finn, who muttered angrily to himself as he walked. He seemed too caught up in his own rage to acknowledge you, if he even really noticed.

"Come on, I still need to do my makeup," Rhea said, affect far less content than when she first greeted you. Following her to the mirrors, you pause for a second when you see Dominik lounging nearby. He noticed the two of you and clears his throat before shooting a "hey" and head nod in your direction.
"Hey, Dom," you used the shortened version of his name to try and sound friendly, but it felt awkward when you said it.
"Are they still fighting, Mami?" Dominik turned to Rhea to ask.
"Not for much longer," she replied, a threatening tone to her voice as she sat down next to her makeup bag, "I told them to work it out, so they will. We're going to continue dominating match after match and no one can stop us."

You weren't sure if you'd smoked too much in the parking lot or if you were just imagining things, but right now, Rhea seemed to be acting a lot more like she did when she was punishing you and a lot less like the charming, funny woman you felt at ease around. Was she regretting bringing you here? Or maybe she just needed some comfort and reassurance before the match.
"You've got this Rhe," you say, gently placing your hand on her shoulder, only to have it slapped away hard enough to make you cry out. The tell-tale sting in your eyes was absolutely nothing compared to the pain in your hand. Cradling it in your other hand, a tear streams down your cheek as you look at the woman you thought you knew, feeling hurt and confused. Rhea seemed to be trying to take deep breaths as she stared dead ahead, without seeming to actually look at anything.
"Vámonos, let's get some air," Dominik suddenly said in a surprisingly gentle tone, gesturing to the exit as he stood and waited for you to follow him before he began to walk.

The sensations you felt lessened with every step, leaving a strange sort of tingling numbness in its wake. You hear yourself say "thanks" as Dominik holds the door open for you, but it takes a moment to register the voice belongs to you.
"I know I'm not your favorite person right now," he says as soon as you're both in the hallway, "But we both care about Rhea and you make her happy so... You should know she gets this way before a match sometimes. I'm sorry you had to deal with that" - he sounded completely genuine, which made you look up at him for the first time since you greeted each other in the locker room - "It took me a while to figure out what not to do when we first got together. She's competitive and it changes her, but she didn't mean to hurt you."
"Thanks," you reply, sniffling a bit. Drying your face with your hand, you wince at the pain, having forgotten how tender it was.
"We should get the medical team to check on that," Dominik says, noticing your hand still hurts.
"I thought they were just here for the wrestlers," you say, hesitant.
"You got hurt by a wrestler," he pointed out, "And if they still won't help, I can always intimidate them." He flexes his arm muscles in an exaggerated way, but compared to the other wrestlers, the definition wasn't very impressive - which makes you laugh.

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