Flirty Dom

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"Collars on," Rhea ordered, making sure the blinds were completely closed and that the door was locked, "Both of you."
Looking at each other for only a moment, you and Dominik quickly moved to obey. Catching a glimpse of the engraving on the heart-shaped tag as you brought out your collar made you bite your lip. Even when you had looked away, "SLUT" was still emblazoned in your mind.
"Where do you want me?" you asked as soon as you secured your collar around your neck.
"Don't get too ahead of yourself now, darling: how about you and Dom-Dom put on a show for me first?" Rhea's cadence shifted to the hypnotizing, seductive rhythm she took on when she wanted to take her sweet time with you, "Really earn the pleasure Mami can give you."
She watched the way the both of you shifted and exchanged shy, eager glances before pulling out a small chain, lock, and key from her pockets. Grinning harder when she sees your jaw drop, your domme moves forward before pushing you and Dominik closer together.

Stumbling slightly, Dom grabs your shoulders to keep from falling. Taking advantage of your position, Rhea slides the chain through the rings on both your collars.
The sound of metal on metal sends a thrill up your spine.
A short tug of the chain as the lock pulls through one side almost makes you collide head-on, forcing you to also hold onto Dom for support as Rhea closes the loop with a click.
There must have been all of three inches between yours and Dominik's faces when the chain was at its most tense - but any movement further than that from either of you would surely pull the other along.
As you stood, wrapped in each other's arms and chained together, small distractions flooded your mind. You hoped Dom knew what "putting on a show" really meant. Was the warmth you were feeling his face or yours? And had his eyes always been so pretty?
"Get to it," Rhea snapped, giving your ass a firm spank of encouragement as she walked by to watch from the bed.

The small yelp you let out was quickly muffled by Dominik's mouth. Judging by the way his hands were moving across your body as his tongue searched for yours, he was feeling far more confident now. 
You weren't sure if you were moaning into the kiss because of how good it felt or because you knew both you and Dom were under Rhea's control. Gripping the long, thick mullet and kissing back hard, you vaguely register what must have been the sound of Rhea hitting "record" on her phone.
"That's more like it," she praises you both, "Now let's see if one of you can pin the other, hmm?"
Dominik began handling you more roughly almost immediately, biting your lip and trying to push you onto the bed. Doing what you could to turn the tables, you started to realize that Dom's constant training was working against you - despite the fact that he was definitely more baked than you were. Even though you knew it was a losing battle, you did your best to give as good as you were getting.

"Such good little pets," Rhea's voice permeated through the sounds of your struggle as you and Dom fell onto the bed near her, "I should chain the two of you together more often."
Dominik's knee wedged between your legs at that moment in a way that was difficult to ignore. You falter, trying not to moan.
It wasn't long before Dom was shoving you down onto the mattress, keeping you on your back and nipping at your ear as his shoulders held your legs in the air. Lost in the feeling, you wriggled and moaned, pleading over and over - but you were so deep into sub space that it was difficult to think of much more to say than "please."
"Yeah, that's a three-count and then some," Rhea announced, "Assuming begging isn't the same as tapping out."
"What do I win?" Dominik joked, a goofy grin on his face as he kept you pinned.
"Dom-Dom, you lucky boy," Rhea smirked as she looked at the both of you, phone still raised, "You're in for a real treat: you get to fuck her now."

"Please! Pleasepleaseplease," you resumed the begging you had paused while your girlfriend had been speaking the second Dom looked back down at you. Being held in this position without any promise of release felt like torture - and you could tell Rhea was amused by how desperate you were.
"Let me get that for you," she purred, leaning in and unlocking the chain holding you and Dom together after ending the recording.
"Are you going to be a good fucktoy for my Dom-Dom?" Rhea addressed you, trailing one finger along your cheek before giving him a quick kiss.
"Yes, Mami," you breathe, knowing how likely it was that she would be domming you next.
"Good girl," Rhea praised, hair tickling your chin slightly when she leaned in and kissed you upside down. Then, to Dom: "Cuffs, condoms, and lube are on the nightstand."
"Gracias, Mami," he replied.

"Oh, and just one more thing before you start," Rhea added, forcing him to look up at her with one firm finger underneath his chin. You could feel how hard Dom was getting just from that one, small gesture and tried desperately to grind against him as Rhea continued.
"Be a good little bitch boy and remember: no matter how many people you top, you'll never be able to top me. And do you know why?"
"Because you own me," he breathed in response almost immediately, "And Mami is always on top."
"Good boy!" Rhea tousled Dom's hair affectionately as she praised him, "Now take your sweet time with my pretty little slut - she makes some of the best noises" - she gently, patronizingly patted your cheek - "Especially when she's desperate."

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