Mari (Wanna?)

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"Here we are," Marisol said, letting go of your hand to open the truck bed cover on a slightly beat-up blue car. You take a better look at the truck as she does, noticing a small set of rainbow beads strung up around the car's rear view mirror and the paint job fading and peeling a bit on the hood.
"Pull up a seat," the sound of her sweet, melodic voice made you look over. The tailgate had been opened and the cover rolled back to reveal the truck bed, floor draped in a blanket with several cushions of various colors, shapes, and sizes littered across it. Marisol was already sitting down and patting the large cushion next to her.

"You take smoke breaks like this?" you ask, lifting yourself onto the truck bed and sitting on the cushion.
"Life's too short not to make everything as fun as possible," Marisol replied, pulling an iridescent pipe and a classic zippo lighter out of her bag, "Sometimes I sit here and look at the stars while I decompress after a shift."
"Marisol-" you begin when you see her pull out a grinder to pack a bowl.
"Please, call me Mari," she interrupts, winking - making you a bit flustered.
"Um, Mari, you don't have to do that - I have a couple joints rolled already," you say, pulling your own supplies out of your bag.
"Let's make a salad, then," Marisol says, packing the pipe halfway before handing it to you, "Just sprinkle some of your joint on top of that."

You unroll the top of one of your joints and tap the side to shake out the bud as you ask, "So do you get a lot of jokes as a stoner who goes by "Mari?" Y'know, like-"
"Marijuana? All the time," she chuckles, "I used to insist on going by Sol, but I've actually leaned into Mari more over the years. Nah, you go ahead and start us off, hermosa" - she shook her head when you offered her the packed bowl - "I can give you a light, though."
After a nod, you lean in and watch Marisol light the bowl for you, noticing her watching you somewhat expectantly as you finish inhaling. Holding in the hit, you point to your mouth, eyebrows silently asking a question. She leaned forward without a word, carefully taking the pipe from you with one hand and cupping your face with the other as her soft lips touched yours.
Feeling your face grow warm at the gentle sensations, you exhale the smoke, feeling Marisol inhale at the same time. Even after she's taken in the smoke, Mari's hand remains at your cheek and she flicks her tongue just inside your mouth. Sparks fly and you find yourself kissing her, intoxicated by the scent of her perfume. The moan you release when she bites your lip makes you pull away a bit in embarrassment.
"Been a while, belleza?" Marisol giggles, pulling back enough to look at you with longing.

Before you could reply, the sound of your phone buzzing repeatedly cut through the air and you breathed a "sorry" before checking it to make sure your friends didn't need your help. The text on your phone screen gave you a sudden rush of conflicting emotions: "Mami Calling"
"Sorry, I need to take this," you said hurriedly, jumping down from the truck and walking out of earshot before answering the call.
"Hey, Rhe. Everything okay?"
"All good, beautiful," Rhea said, using her sultry domme voice, "Heading back to the hotel for the night and wanted to know if my good girl wanted to do a video call with Mami."
"My friends dragged me out to the club tonight," you sighed.
"Meet anyone interesting?" Rhea teased, not seeming to think you might respond.
"I, um, did meet someone, actually..." you answered, heart pounding in your ears at the silence on the other line.

"...What do you mean?" the voice on the other end of the line was suddenly much more serious - not necessarily angry, but it made you anxious regardless.
"It was mostly just flirting," you try not to trip over your words in a rush to explain, "And a bit of... kissing?"
The silence on the other line was excruciating as you held your breath, waiting for a response. Finally, Rhea asks, "Are you in love with her?"
"What? No, we just met!" you say immediately, "Are you... not okay with me seeing other people?"
"We're in an open relationship," she stated flatly, "You should do what makes you happy."
"I want you to be happy too," you tell her, "I love you, Rhe."
"I love you too," she says, and you're sure you hear a tinge of sadness in her voice, "I love you so much."
Before you can think of something comforting to say, Rhea changes her tone immediately - you can now hear a smirk in her voice as she continues, "I hope you know Mami is going to make you forget all about anyone you met while she was away, darling. Don't forget: you belong to me, baby."

Rhea hung up before you could reply and you pulled the phone away from your face to see a text in your friends' group chat asking where you are (and if you planned on stealing anyone else's crush). Sighing, you walk back to the truck to see Marisol lying down, looking at the stars. She props herself up on her elbows once you climb back onto the truck.
"Hey, sorry, I have to go," you apologize as you start gathering your things back into the bag you left there, "My friends are looking for me."
"At least let me give you my number," Mari insists, smiling when you pull out your phone to give her. Before you can hand it over, it buzzes, making you pull it back to look. Your face starts heating up rapidly when you see the photo Rhea just sent you of her bending over completely naked, grinning at the camera.
"Everything okay?" Marisol asks, looking confused.
"Yeah, here-" you start, but your phone buzzes again and this time it's Rhea biting her lip, tits fully on display. Flustered, you say, "You know what, how about I type my number into your phone instead."

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