Let Me Talk To You? (Yeah!)

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"Not that it's any of my business," Liv said, eyeing your bag, which buzzed every now and then, "But I think you should at least check your messages."
The two of you walked out into the hall after Liv had been told it was mostly bruising - even a bruised muscle in her neck, which needed to be iced daily for longer than would likely be comfortable. She was hoping the ice, combined with resting up the next few days, would help her heal to the point where she could be cleared to compete again before next week's show.
"Yeah, you're probably right," you sigh, leaving your new cold pack resting on your hand as the fingertips from your free hand reach tentatively inside your bag for your phone.

Your screen informed you that you had five text messages and one missed call from "Mami."
After opening your phone, you read the messages in the order they were sent:

"Dom told me I hurt you, I never wanted to do that"

"I'm so sorry"

"Can we talk? I want to make this right if I can"

"I'm in town until tomorrow afternoon but I can give you space"

"Just let me know what you need"

Rhea seemed to have made the call sometime between sending the second and third message. The ache you felt in your chest gave you the urge to run and find her, while also reminding you of what she said in the locker room. You're not her girlfriend.

"What is it?" Liv asked, concerned.
"Rhea says she's sorry and wants to talk," you explain, "but is willing to give me space."
"You sound disappointed," Liv pointed out, in a way that prompted you to explain.
"It sounds like she's just talking about the physical stuff," you say, slowly finding the words, "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad she owned up to that but..."
"But she got defensive when I called you her girlfriend," Liv finished your thought after you trailed off, "And that hurt more than whatever she did to your hand."

Nodding, you sigh, "Am I that obvious?"
"Not what I said," Liv clarified, "I've just been more or less where you are now."
"I appreciate you understanding," you say, smiling as the two of you approach the locker rooms again, "I think I'm going to give her a call."
"Want to trade numbers first?" she asked, surprising you, "You can message me about any of this if you need to."
"Sure," you oblige. It couldn't hurt to have someone to talk to if things got difficult again.
"Thanks," Liv said, pulling you in for a brief hug after you exchanged information, "Hope it all works out for you, hon!"
"Thanks!" you call behind her as she walks off. Pressing the call button under Rhea's contact information, you hold the phone up to your ear. After a few seconds of the phone ringing in your ear, you hear what sounds like death metal music approaching nearby.

Suddenly, the locker room door opens and the music is much louder. You look up to see Rhea - makeup smudged and ringing phone in hand - a complex range of emotions rapidly flashing across her face upon seeing you.
"Hey," you say, somewhat relieved as you cancel the call, put your phone away, and readjust the cold pack on your hand, "Just the woman I wanted to talk to."
"Did you want to talk here?" Rhea asked, sharply inhaling through her nose. The sound made you notice what your anxiety hadn't let you see at first: she had been crying.
"If you're comfortable with that," you say carefully, trying to avoid the tug at your heart that told you to hold her in your arms.

"I'm so sorry," Rhea said, "I don't expect you to forgive me, or feel safe around me anymore. But I don't ever want to hurt you again, and if you give me a second chance, I promise to make sure I won't."
"We'll just have to meet after the show next time," you say, watching Rhea look up at you in surprise, "but only if I get to call you my girlfriend."
"You... want to be my girlfriend?" she asked.
Somehow it had never occurred to you that Rhea might be unsure of your feelings toward her. To you, the way you acted around her made it seem obvious.
"For a while now, yeah," you admitted, feeling your face grow warm.
"You still want to be my girlfriend?" Rhea asked, making sure she understood you.
"Do I need to write it on a poster like I'm asking you to the dance?" you joke, "Yes, I still want to be your girlfriend. Would you like to be mine?"
Smiling, she approached you slowly, putting her hands on your hips.
"I would love that," Rhea whispers before pulling you in for a sweet and gentle kiss.

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