Remote Control

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"Ready to hear the rules for tonight?" Rhea smirked at you from the video call on your laptop.
It was a little over a week since she left, and the two of you finally found time to try out the vibrator she gave you. The rest of the Judgment Day was out having a "guy's night" - whatever that meant - and the Eradicator had the hotel room to herself for a few hours. This was the first time the two of you had really sat down together on video and you had made sure to smoke a bit beforehand to calm your nerves.
"Yes, Mami," you say, muscles clenching around the toy already inside of you as you listen closely. The vibrator was on and ready, and Rhea had her phone in hand, connected to it via the app. The sight of you naked and at her mercy on camera makes her bite her lip before explaining.
"I'm going to try every single setting on this, and you're going to describe them to me," she says, watching you shift on your bed, "But you're not allowed to come until we go through every. Single. One."
You blush, trying not to look at the image of yourself in the voice call.
"Understand?" Rhea's voice gains a more commanding edge, prompting you to respond.
"I understand, Mami," you say quickly.
"Good girl," she purrs before tapping her phone.

The first three settings were steady vibrations, each more intense than the last. You described these as classic vibrator settings, specifically remembering the vibrating wand an ex of yours had. The fourth was a sudden departure, making you moan slightly in surprise.
"Use your words," Rhea orders, stopping the vibration when she hears you.
"Like sitting on a washing machine," your face warms slightly at having to admit you'd gotten yourself off that way before.
The setting changes again, making you squirm at the feeling.
"Motorcycle at a stoplight," you do your best not to whine in disappointment as the vibration stops after you answer.
"You're doing so good, sweet girl," Rhea assures you, the sadistic look on her face contrasting with the softness in her voice.

Another moan escapes your lips as the toy begins to vibrate in a way reminiscent of Morse code.
"Mm, like, like being slapped with a vibrator over and over," you felt yourself dripping onto your bed sheets, cursing your own lack of foresight in not setting down a towel.
One tap of her phone and Rhea changed the staccato pattern to one that so far was the easiest for you to describe: "ohgod, just like someone keeps switching between using their mouth and using their hands on me."
"Good to know," she says, likely filing away the information for later.

The vibration had stopped for now, replaced with the thrust function when Rhea taps the next setting. You twitch and moan at the new motion, which feels just like "being fingered." A chuckle greets your ears at the description. The next two settings are more intense versions of the same sensation, and this time you do whine when the toy stops. You're rapidly descending further into sub-space, having to focus now on not coming with each thrust inside you. The ache for release is almost painful and a bit of drool leaves your mouth, to your surprise.
"Let me know when you're getting close," Rhea warns, lust heavy in her voice as she watches you, "We're not done yet."
"Mm, y-yes, Mami," you manage to whimper, wanting nothing more than to get to a point where you were allowed to come.

Your moan at the next setting is one of slight relief, having missed even a few seconds without stimulation.
"L-like having sex in a moving car, on a bumpy road," you hear yourself say, desperation in your voice. Having to keep yourself from coming was starting to get difficult.
The next setting didn't help much, the noises escaping you a cacophony of want that you no longer had the capacity to control. You groan slightly when the movement stops.
The sensitivity and desire you felt was so overwhelming, your voice came out as a soft whisper when you tried to give a description.
"What was that?" Rhea teased, "I can barely hear you."
"Just like you fucking me with a strap-on," you say again, louder this time, hand covering your face slightly as you look away from the woman controlling the toy.
"Sounds like a good one," she says, savoring your slight embarrassment, "Just a few more to go."

Suddenly, both the vibrate and thrust started working in tandem, making you cry out at the waves of building pleasure.
"Getting close!" you moan, frustration forming a knot in your stomach as the toy stops.
"Looks like we're getting to the really fun options," Rhea's eyes seem to be looking into yours as she spoke, even through the video feed, "What did that feel like?"
"Like, um, putting your phone in your pants and calling it to get off," you admit, face growing warm.
"Not that you'd know what that feels like," Rhea mocked, "I'm getting to know so much about you."
The next setting was the most intense by far, bringing you close to the edge very rapidly.
"Mmclose!" you whine, fighting the tightening knot in your stomach.
"Good girl," Rhea praised, turning off the vibrator, then more harshly, "Speak."
"H-how I would imagine it feels to be fucked by two people at once," you say, too desperate to be shy.

"Last one," she says, "but you still can't come until you tell me how it feels."
"Mmhm," you nod, bracing yourself.
Somehow you hadn't prepared yourself for this level of intensity, feeling as though the toy was wrenching the pleasure from you regardless of how much you resisted.
"Mami!" you cry out the only word you can think of in that moment to let her know you were close. The motion stops just in time, making you groan and whimper, sheets in disarray around you from how hard you were gripping them. The wet spot beneath you had grown slightly, but you were far from concerned.
"Oh wow," you take a moment to catch your breath before continuing, "like if you used your strap and a wand on me at the same time."
"Such a good little slut for Mami," Rhea praises, making you clench around the pink silicone, "Now come for me."

The movement inside of you shifted between the most intense settings, sending you into an overwhelmingly powerful orgasm as it sprung to life. An enthusiastic "yes!" resonates from your chest, followed by a cascade of moans and whimpers as the pleasure tore through you.
"You're so fucking hot, fuck," Rhea growls, her image coming into focus on the screen as the toy becomes motionless once more and you blink in a daze.
"Holy wow, Rhe, that was... amazing," you sigh contentedly, feeling too good to bother searching for a better word.
"The boys won't be back for a while yet, if you wanted to go again," she says, giving the camera a sultry look.
You smile, bite your lip, and nod, bracing yourself for more.

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