Locker Room Talk

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After watching Dominik do stretches and warmups, talking about anything that came to mind to make him (and yourself) feel more at ease, and listening to the Judgment Day and JD give him pep talks, you were wishing Dom good luck and sitting in full view of the locker room television. There were a few other wrestlers milling around, but they were either otherwise occupied or avoiding you. Because of whatever people say about your girlfriend? Because of what the media is saying about you? Because you aren't part of the show, despite being in the locker room?
You tried to put the thought out of your mind as the match began on the screen in front of you.

There was just enough time for you to see Rhea on the sidelines, before Trick Williams rapidly gained the upper hand with a few blows. The two men grappled before Dom got a kick in and you quickly found yourself invested in a way you hadn't been before. There was something about the match that began beautifully, like a dance, almost. The rhythm and movement enthralled you in the moments between pauses, to the point where you were gasping in awe and chuckling in wonder instead of cheering. Maybe you hadn't experienced the sport like this before because the only matches you had been interested in watching had been Rhea's. Your mind went directly into the gutter when you saw her fighting, especially with the way she pinned her opponents.
And now? Strangely enough, you were beginning to understand why someone might risk fame for the chance at doing something like this.

You were watching the screen so intently, the sudden appearance of Jacy Jayne in your vision made you jump.
"My girl and I just won," she sneered, leaning in to grab her bag from the locker next to you before whispering, "How about you and yours?"
Glancing at the screen again, trying to ignore her at first, you smiled at what was happening.
"See for yourself," you told her, gesturing to the television just in time to make her turn to watch the Judgment Day celebrating and running up to Dom before the replay reel. Your heart swelled with happiness watching your girlfriend cheer and throw an arm around her boyfriend.
"Hey, what're we watching?" Jacy's excitable tag team partner from earlier bounced into the locker room, holding a freshly-filled water bottle. Noticing you, she didn't even wait for an answer before saying, "Hi! I don't think we've met. I'm Thea" - she reached out and shook your hand vigorously - "Are you new to NXT?"
Jacy scoffed.
"That's just Rhea Ripley's newest little toy," she told Thea, who now seemed uncertain how to act toward you and settled for imitating her tag team partner's current pose - arms crossed, leaning away slightly.
"Doesn't even realize she's being played," Jacy continued, "It's pathetic. You want to know what everyone says about Rhea?" - she was addressing you now - "She's only nice to the people she uses. Minion, distraction, press stunt - you're at least one of those. You'll be old news soon enough."

The screen - now showing Dom holding the title and all four members of the Judgment Day with their arms around each other - came back into full view as the two women walked away, passing a slightly breathless JD McDonagh in the doorway. Something about Jacy's comment seemed very specific. It was difficult to know exactly why, until you watched her and Thea depart.
"Come on, sexy," Jacy said as she held the door open, giving Thea's ass a hungry look before smacking it, "I'm going to show you how grown-ass women celebrate a win together."
The last you saw of Thea, she was glancing back at you, looking conflicted as Jacy's arm snaked around her waist.

"Hello?" it wasn't until JD waved his hand in front of you that you realized he had been trying to talk to you this entire time, "Are you okay?"
"Jacy is awful," you groaned, trying to ignore the fact that you were second-guessing yourself thanks to her comments, "Doesn't anyone realize what she's doing?"
"Shit, did she try to rough you up?" JD asked, giving you a quick once-over for signs of blood or swelling.
"No, no, I'm fine," you tell him, despite the uneasiness at your core, "I mean, she wasn't nice... but someone needs to get her away from Thea."
"HR won't intervene unless she says she wants to get away from her partner," JD said, "Besides, that's not our job; we're focused on making sure the Judgment Day remains the most dominant faction in the WWE."

"We're also focused on keeping Rhea's girl safe," Damian huffed, glaring at JD as Rhea, Dom, and Finn walked in behind him, "Y no hables como eres parte de nuestro grupo."
"Go easy on him, babe," Finn said softly, putting a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder, "He's helped a lot today" - Finn lowered his voice, lust dripping in every word - "Think of how good it's going to be when we celebrate later, just the two of us."
JD looked slightly uncomfortable at this particular method of persuading Damian to go easy on him, but wasn't about to complain when Damian's attention shifted to Finn instead.
"Principe mío," he muttered, caressing Finn's face and leaning in to whisper something none of you could hear. JD sat down by the door, awkwardly waiting for the group's next move as your girlfriend and metamour approached you.

"So, did you see Dom's big win?" Rhea asked, sitting down next to you and putting an arm around your shoulders.
"I did! Congrats on getting your title back," you said, addressing Dom as he strutted toward the two of you with his title belt over one shoulder.
"How did you want to celebrate, babe?" Rhea asked him as he sat down on the other side of her.
He considered the question for a moment as you let the weight on your shoulders relax you a bit. Unfortunately, the situation with Jacy and Thea seemed to have left an uncalmable anxiety in your stomach, slightly different from what you had been feeling for the majority of today. You needed a joint.

"Can we get some munchies and go smoke?" Dom seemed to be asking you as much as Rhea, knowing you were the only one with a supply.
"You actually read my mind," you laugh.
"Let's do it," your girlfriend agreed, giving both of you a kiss on the cheek before standing, turning, and putting out both of her hands to pull the both of you up at once.
"Next thing you know, she'll be bench-pressing them," Damian jokes, "Go ahead, I'll spot you."
"How about you bring the car around instead?" Rhea responded, rolling her eyes despite having initially smiled at the comment, "We're going on a snack run."

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