Once You Reach

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Once you open the door and step out, you realize just how baked you are; your body is a bit heavy and for a few seconds it feels almost like you're moving in slow motion as you look up and take in the vivid details of the trees in the parking lot, waving gently in the slight breeze. You turn around to the sight of smoke slowly exiting your car along with Damian, whose pink eyes and slight stumble tell you he's just as high as you are, if not more so.
"Now I see why Rhea has to be the one driving," you giggle, joining him on the slow walk back to the table.
"Hey, it's not that bad," Damian says, grinning a bit too much to sound defensive, "You can't stumble sitting inside a car."
"Yeah, no stumbling," you concede before continuing, "Just the dozens of other large, metal vehicles going at high speeds, driven by people with short tempers and powered by explosions."

"... You might have a point," he said before sighing - not sounding quite as sad as before but still looking across the distance between the two of you and the table, stopping in his tracks.
"If you haven't talked to him, you should," you say, realizing by Damian's reaction that he knew exactly what you meant, "Not that it's any of my business, but if it was me- when it's been me, talking about things honestly did a lot more good than being bitter ever did."
He seems to consider your advice for a moment before allowing himself a small grin.
"You're two-for-two on making good points," Damian admits, rubbing the back of his neck and looking away. You're sure you see his cheeks pinking up a bit, but decide not to say anything.
"Todo bien?" the familiar voice behind you makes you turn around to the sight of Dominik walking toward the two of you.
"Ningunos problemas," Damian replies before giving you an appreciative smile.
"Mira, can we talk?" Dom asks, looking at you this time.
"I have to see a man about a conversation, anyway," Damian says, winking at you, "Thanks, chica."

Dominik watches until Damian is out of earshot, a slightly puzzled expression on his face, before saying anything.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier," he still seemed a bit embarrassed, but you could tell he was keeping a respectful distance and gauging your reaction to see if you felt unsafe, "I didn't know Rhea was going to do that and I- well, I think you're- um- anyway, I'm sorry."
Dominik's face was about as red as it was at the end of a particularly long match by the time he finished speaking.
"You don't have to apologize," you say once you're sure he doesn't have more to add, "I actually feel pretty comfortable around you since you helped me out at the show last night. Rhe's comment was just sort of out of left field and this is the first non-monogamous relationship I've ever been in. It's a lot really quickly, y'know?"
Dom nods, a relieved expression on his face, "If I do make you uncomfortable, just let me know."

"I appreciate it," you reply, smiling and taking in the way he looked at you before saying, "Earlier you said you think I'm- but you didn't finish your sentence." - Dominik, having calmed a bit since you reassured him, blushed intensely again - "So what do you think I am?"
He cleared his throat before messing with the collar of his shirt and admitting, "Muy hermosa - very pretty."
"Thank you," you respond, grinning harder and looking him up and down before adding "You're quite the pretty boy yourself" and winking before turning around and walking to the table, knowing full well Dom was caught off-guard and likely too flustered to respond. You may not be ready to date anyone else for the time being, but flirting was proving to be a lot of fun.

"Welcome back, babe," Rhea greeted you as you sauntered up to the table, noticing the only other person sitting with her was JD, "I don't know what you told him, but Damian asked Finn if they could talk and it sounds like he's going to apologize or something. So thank you."
"Everyone keeps thanking you today," Dominik says, finally catching up to you as you sit down, "Why is that?"
"Whatever the reason, you're both going to be thanking me here in a minute," Rhea says, pulling out a gift bag stuffed with tissue paper out of her messenger bag. From it, she pulled out a small box, handing the rest of the gift bag to you and the box to Dom.
"Go ahead," she says, leaning back in her chair and putting her hands behind her head, "Open them."

Pulling out the tissue paper on top, your eyes fall on a black leather collar whose ring has a heart-shaped silver tag hanging from it. Pulling it out, you grip the smooth leather and grab the tag, blushing when you read the engraved text: "Mami's good girl." When you turn over the tag and read the other side, it only makes you blush harder: "Slut."
Looking up, you see Dominik is holding a heart-shaped tag and realize Rhea probably already bought him a collar much earlier in their relationship.
"Show each other what Mami got you," she orders, watching you both shyly swap gifts to look at them before saying, "And don't forget to say thank you."
"Thank you, Mami," you and Dom say in unison, flustered because you both knew what the other was about to read.
His tag was similar to yours on one side: "Mami's good boy." However, you couldn't help but raise your eyebrows when you read what was engraved on the other side: "Bitch."
Looking up, you see Dominik - blushing intensely once again - bite his lip and struggle to look at you as you give each other back your respective gifts. Rhea giggles, watching the exchange before you put your new collar back in the gift bag. Remembering JD, you turn to see him alternating between looking at his phone and looking up in the direction of the parking lot where, presumably, Finn and Damian were talking. You instinctively crossed your fingers underneath the table that your advice was exactly what the situation called for.

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