The Judgement Gay

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The drive back was much like the drive to the store; Rhea chose the music, boots up on the dashboard despite your protests, windows down, and you would make fun of some of the more intense songs she insisted on raising the volume for, headbanging vigorously in her direction at red lights. There was a lot of her shoving you and yelling "fuck off." You seemed to have tuned in very quickly to just the right level of joking around to avoid getting a firsthand look at her brutality. All the better for you, as you weren't sure if you were strong enough to stand a chance. Even though you'd tried to stop yourself from staring this morning when she was doing stretches, push-ups, and the like, you couldn't help but sneak a few looks. Taking in her rippling muscles, amazing curves, and confident form was distracting enough to have caused you to make a few spills when you were making breakfast. Just remembering what she looked like when her midriff peeked out from under her shirt made you bite your lip as you turned onto the street for your apartment, lowering the volume of the music to avoid complaints from your neighbors.

"Motherfucker," Rhea groaned under her breath; then louder, "Some shit might go down. Whatever you do stay behind me."
Trying to appear calm, you see what she means as you pull into your parking space. Several yards away, a man dressed in black and purple is pacing in front of your building, looking at his phone, then scanning the surrounding area. How did he know to find her here?
"Let me get out first," Rhea orders as you roll up the windows and park the car. As soon as you remove the key from the ignition, the passenger's side door pops open. By the time you're opening the driver's side door, Rhea has slammed the other door shut and is striding angrily in the direction of Dominik Mysterio. Closing the door, you hesitate, thinking of your purchase in the trunk. Locking the car, you decide that a large glass object is the last thing you want near two angry wrestlers and try to catch up with Rhea.

"I left it to charge! What are you doing tracking my phone anyway?" you heard Rhea snarl, her back turned to you. Your movements become more careful and calculated the closer you get to the two, your hand firmly gripping the pepper spray that hung off your keys.
"I was WORRIED about you!" Dominik yells back, "You hung up on me without telling me where you were, or who you were with!" Then, noticing you standing timidly several feet behind Rhea, he snaps, "Nothing to see here, keep walking."
"DON'T talk to her like that," Rhea steps to the side, blocking Dominik's view of you. He takes in her protective stance and looks her in the eyes, "Oooh, I see. You found some perrita and she doesn't want you talking to me." He puts a hand on Rhea's shoulder - moving with the intent to walk toward you - and she immediately grabs his arm. Her knuckles turn white as her grip tightens and Dominik's tough-guy demeanor falters, a slight wince creeping up on his face.
"Leave. Her. Out of it." Rhea warns in a dangerous tone. She moves Dominik's hand off her shoulder and releases his arm. He steps back, rubbing the sore spot and inhaling sharply.
"Look, Dom," Rhea settled into a controlled, commanding tone, "we don't have anyone to fight, intimidate, or otherwise challenge for a few more days. Give me another full day and I'll meet you back at the hotel room. Then we can talk it out."
Dominik seemed to relax a bit, sighing, "Mami, listen, that guy from last night-"
"Stop." Rhea insisted, "One more day. Go."
She watched him walk away and didn't turn around until she seemed sure he was leaving.

"Hope you're liking my company," Rhea said, approaching you, "because it looks like you're stuck with me for another 24 hours."
"Damn," you dramatically snap your fingers, your voice dripping with sarcasm, "taking you back to my apartment was a vital step in ditching you, and now you've found out."
Rhea lunges at you playfully and you squeal the minute she grabs your sides.
"Wait," a mischievous grin spreads across Rhea's face, "Are you ticklish?"

Thinking quickly, you wriggle out of reach and make a beeline for the trunk of your car, giggling; she couldn't tickle you if you were holding something fragile she just bought. It took only a few seconds for Rhea to catch up to you, relentlessly touching your sides, making you laugh loudly and squirm.
"Stop!" you manage to cry out, breathless. Moving her hands down to your hips, relenting on the tickling, Rhea laughs as you catch your breath. After a few seconds you realize her hands are still on your waist and look at her face, only a few inches away from yours. She's already looking at you, blue eyes piercing through yours, black lips slightly parted. Heart pounding, you wonder if she's waiting for you to make a move.
Before you can try, she's taken your keys out of your pocket and is walking in the direction of the car, the air in front of you suddenly empty.
"Come on," Rhea calls behind her, "let's try out your new piece."

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