This Is My Rheality

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Lying down on the couch, you try and wait an appropriate amount of time before going back to the bathroom to smoke more. You'd rather not accidentally run into Liv again after she had just walked here with you. Staring up at the ceiling, you try to prepare yourself for what you wanted to say to Rhea after the Judgment Day finished their match tonight.

"Hey, babe. Why did you invite me here if you were going to hurt me like this? Also your ex-tag-team partner is pretty hot."
"Hey, Rhe. From what I've heard, it sounds like this might be a pattern. Have you ever considered going to therapy?"
"Hey, Rhea. Can we talk about what happened earlier tonight? I think it might be better if I wait until after the show to see you next time."
... Maybe.

Sighing, you check the time and decide it's been long enough to head back and smoke. Grabbing your bag, you walk back to the locker rooms, managing to find them again fairly easily. You quickly step inside and duck into the bathroom, locking the door behind you.
Noticing your cold pack is no longer on the ground, you decide to run your hand under some cold water for a bit. Checking yourself in the mirror, you're relieved to see the puffiness has left your eyes for the most part and fix your hair after turning off the water.
It isn't long before you're puffing on a bit of stress relief. Once you've finished the rest of your joint from earlier, you put out the roach and wait for the vent to suck out the remaining smoke before exiting.

Faintly hearing Rhea's voice once you step back into the locker room, you scramble to duck out into the hallway and head back to the viewing room. Trying to take deep breaths, you sit on the couch, heart pounding. You were never doing this again, you decided; you were already hating having to avoid Rhea, but hearing her voice and feeling actual fear because of it was truly awful.
The television brightens as the feed changes to the live cameras near the ring. Getting comfortable, you pull one of the snacks you brought along out of your bag and watch the last few people filter into their seats in the audience before the show began.

About halfway through the show you were cursing the fact that all of the women's matches seemed to be half as long as the men's matches, if that. Reaching the bottom of an empty bag with your more dexterous hand, you realize you've eaten all of the food you brought with you. Not being particularly invested in the match that was about to start, you take your bag with you back to a place in the hall where you saw a couple vending machines to get more snacks and something to drink.
Digging out your wallet, you browse the selection and make your decisions. Somewhere down the hall you hear what sounds like an interview taking place. You don't pay it much mind as you punch your selections into the machines, until it starts sounding less like an interview and more like a fight. Not wanting to get involved, you stuff your food into your bag and grab your drink before heading back to the viewing room.

The feed you saw on the television made you stop in your tracks as soon as you entered the room. Rhea seemed to be fighting a woman you didn't recognize while a terrified interviewer shrunk back in the corner. Suddenly, a few other wrestlers came to the aid of the woman Rhea was pummeling, one of whom was Liv Morgan. Watching Rhea punch Liv and spit insults at her and the others made you flinch.
As soon as the feed cuts to a promo, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Doing your best to calm down, you sit on the couch again, opening and taking a sip of your drink. Bouncing your leg anxiously, you wanted to check on anyone who might be injured, but the last thing you wanted was to end up on television. You had to stay where you were until the show was done, your nervous thoughts screaming in the background.
Feeling through the items in your bag, it takes a moment before your hands close around your fidget cube. It would work for now while you stayed in the room to avoid the cameras. Pushing, turning, and clicking the various sides of the cube, you look up at the screen and focus on the sensations at your fingertips. I can do this, you assure yourself, it'll be the end of the show before I know it and everything is going to be fine.

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