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"Mmm, that's it," Rhea's voice was seductive on the recording as you watched her buck her hips slightly to grind against your mouth.
Your girlfriend's heavy breathing and moaning was interrupted momentarily by the wet sound of the lubricant she was now applying to the toy behind you.
"Faster," Rhea ordered on the recording.
"Good girl," she praised you now as you did your best to keep your eyes fixed on the video - despite the fact that she was using the excess lube to make sure you were ready to take the toy you picked for the fucking machine.
"Fuck yes," Rhea moaned on video as you watched her hand moving to grip your hair, "Mami loves your wet little mouth."

You surprised yourself with the noises you made when Rhea pulled you back by your hips and slid you halfway onto the toy. A second later, she moved into your field of vision - the dial for the machine held in her hand.
"Finish watching the video first," Rhea chuckled as you watched her sit down on the other side of the phone, "All the way to the end, baby."
"Yes, Mami," you whisper, looking down again.
"Good girl," the praise was moaned from the recording at the same time Rhea said it to you now; it made her laugh and sent a shiver down your spine, making you ache around the toy.
Rhea's moans became more and more urgent on the recording as you watched yourself look at the camera, keeping a steady pace with your mouth.
"Fuck, that tongue," your girlfriend whimpered between moans.

A small click - made with a twitch of Rhea's hand in your periphery - started the machine, making you gasp as the first thrust pushed the toy all the way inside you.
"Yes... yes!" the cries of building pleasure coming from the phone were almost in time with the somewhat slow thrust of the fucking machine that made you whimper. 
Rhea cried out your name on the recording, making you moan as you watched yourself do your best to keep going as she came into your mouth.
Seeing your eyes roll back just from eating her out made you instinctively move to look away - catching yourself before you tore your eyes from the screen, knowing there was still more left to the video.
Noticing your obedience, Rhea rewarded you by turning the dial up one more click - making you bite your lip to stifle the volume of your whimpers.

"Mmm, you did so well," she praised, giggling blissfully as you watched yourself lift your head, her cum dripped down your chin, "Now clean me up, darling." You couldn't help but moan at the command even now, which Rhea took to mean something else.
"That's right, pretty girl: you're that sexy," she cooed as you watched yourself use your tongue to clean Rhea's cum from her swollen clit. Warmth rose to your cheeks at the misunderstanding, but the more you kept watching yourself... the more you could see what she meant.
"Tell Mami how pretty you are," Rhea coaxed.
At first, all you could do is moan, knowing you had to keep looking at the phone while saying something that felt strangely embarrassing.
"I... I'm pretty," you whimper, anxious when your domme didn't respond and adding, "I'm... beautiful."

"Such a good girl," Rhea praised, turning up the fucking machine one more setting as the video finished with "You did so good for Mami, beautiful" and you gave up on trying to control the desperate noises spilling from your lips.
"Mami's pretty girl," Rhea muttered, one strong hand grabbing your chin to make you look up at her hungry eyes and knowing smile, "Are you getting close?"
Your vigorous nod once she let go made her chuckle as she glanced at the toy thrusting in and out of you.
"Tell me you're mine and come for me," she growled, holding you in her gaze.
"Mm yours Mami," you barely managed to speak as though those were actually three separate words before you came, Rhea's icy blue eyes the last thing you saw before closing yours and surrendering the last of your thoughts.

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