Lightweight, Heavyweight, Women's Champion

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"Are you sure?" Dominik asks, cheeks still a bit pink.
You nod, dropping the hand that pointed to your smoke-filled mouth to lean in against the tug of your seatbelt and meet Dom halfway.
Today had been too stressful - you decided you needed to lose yourself in something that felt good.
Dom pulled back slightly from the shotgun you exhaled when your tongue flicked just inside his surprisingly soft lips - but you gently held him in place by the back of his neck. It was cute how shy he was with you.
Feeling him relax into the kiss, you smiled and gave his bottom lip a playful bite - which he gently returned.
When you finally pulled apart, he was blushing even harder than before.
Then you noticed a general lack of movement.

"Rhe?" you ask, looking over at your girlfriend.
Despite the fact that the car was on, it was still in park and hadn't moved an inch. Rhea sat in the driver's seat, biting her lip as she continued to stare ravenously at the two of you.
"Didn't you say you were getting us to the hotel?" you finished your question, puffing at the joint between your fingers to make sure it was still lit.
"Well if the two of you stopped being so damn tempting, maybe I could actually start driving," she replied with a smirk.
Flicking away a bit of ash, you stick your tongue out at Rhea before handing Dominik the joint.
"Good girl," she praises you before turning back around and shifting into drive.

It wasn't until about halfway through the joint that you actually started to calm down; you could tell because the checks you would do to see if you were being followed again were growing less and less frequent.
Dom, on the other hand, was currently laughing louder than the music Rhea had playing on the radio as you recounted hotboxing your car with Damian. He shook his head through tears when you offered him another hit, trying to quiet himself down to a violent giggle in order to hear the rest of your story.
"Then I saw that Rhea had sent me a text," you felt a distracting warmth in your face as you recall the message, "I, uh, can't remember exactly what she said, but... she was implying-"

"I was teasing her," Rhea interrupted, eyes never leaving the road, "Damian was pining over Finn - I knew you weren't fooling around with him."
She paused for a second before adding:
"But I made you think about it, didn't I?"
Remembering how flustered you'd been at the time, you take a long drag before responding.
"Like it would ever happen."
"Now that is the answer of a woman who has definitely thought about it," Rhea declares triumphantly.
Dominik giggles harder, barely managing to get out something that sounds like "we've all thought about it."

"Here we are," Rhea announced, pulling into the hotel parking lot a while later.
The remains of the first joint sat abandoned in one of your cup holders, its replacement currently sitting between your lips. Even though you were far less anxious, you still hesitated to make any sort of movement to get out of the car.
"Here you are, love," your girlfriend said, having already parked and currently opening the door for you with a smile, "I can get your bags, you just follow me."
Reluctantly, you take her outstretched hand and step out, inspecting your surroundings before putting out the joint on the bottom of your shoe.
"Careful," you warn Dominik, pocketing the bud as he stumbles out of your car.
"I got it, I got it," he insists, balancing out and chuckling, "Now which way to our room again?"
"Follow me, babes," Rhea instructed, smiling at the two of you as she slung your bags over her shoulder and headed toward the hotel.
"The night has just begun."

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