Dear In Headlights

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"Don't look!" you snapped at Dominik as you saw his reflection turn around to identify the car that was following you.
Dom whipped back around, his startled expression making you feel a bit guilty; but there was no reason to let whoever it was know that you were onto them.
You take a deep breath, Rhea's promise to keep you safe echoing in your mind as the headlights glare threateningly in your rear view mirror. The car behind you had made every single turn you had, possibly since you left the parking lot. The anxiety made it difficult to remember, but you did your best to not let it take over.
Now it was time for you to be the one to keep Rhea safe.

"Hold on tight," you tell your passengers, checking your mirrors to make sure there weren't any other vehicles in the vicinity, "And don't turn around."
Rhea's hand leaves your thigh to grip the seat instead.
Coming up on the intersection, you resist the natural impulse to flip on your signal and make a sudden U-turn.
Immediately looking in the rear view mirror, you hold your breath - only to watch the same headlights flash brightly behind you.
Letting out a frustrated groan, you make a left without warning.
No luck.
"Shit," you hiss softly every time you turn, the car behind you abandoning all subtlety to follow you into every empty and near-empty road you can find.

After several attempts at shaking off your shadow, you see a chance to gain some distance: a four-way intersection, stop signs only facing the street you're traveling on. The perpendicular street had the right of way and there was another car approaching.
"Sorry sorry sorry!" you apologize as you hit the gas, passing the intersection at just the perfect moment to give the car following you no choice but to stop.
Continuing your apologies like a superstitious ritual at the sound of both vehicles you left behind honking angrily, you duck into a neighborhood at random.
Frantically searching for street parking near several other cars, you scan the area before quickly and carefully pulling into an open space.

With one smooth motion, you turn off the engine, radio, and your headlights.
"Duck down!" you whisper urgently, doing so yourself before Rhea and Dom follow your lead.
"What are we-" Rhea tried to ask.
"Shhh!" you hold a finger up to your lips, more than a bit paranoid at this point.
The only sound for several seconds is your own pounding heartbeat.
Then, headlights begin to illuminate the cul-de-sac you pulled into, making you reach over and grab Rhea's hand instinctively.
You had no idea what might happen if the person who had been tailing the three of you this far ended up catching you, or what you might do then. The only thing you were sure of in this moment was that you weren't going to give up your girlfriend without a fight.

After a few seconds passed painfully slowly, the lights began to gradually faded away again, much to your relief. However, you stayed down - insisting the others do the same - for a couple more minutes before declaring the coast to be clear.
"You look like you could use a joint," Rhea said, squeezing your hand as the three of you sit up again before letting go to stretch.
"Or three," you sigh, suddenly feeling drained by the mountain of anxiety you had dealt with today and slumping back in your seat.
"Come on, we're switching places - I'll drive us to the hotel," Rhea told you, unbuckling herself and tutting at your protests, "You and Dom start on that joint."
"Thanks, Rhe," you concede, sliding out of your seat as she suggested.

The moment you're both outside the car, you hurry over and jump into her arms.
"It's okay, my love," Rhea muttered, hugging you close, "You're safe."
Pulling away slightly - eyes stinging with the threat of tears now that the adrenaline was starting to wear off - you looked into your girlfriend's eyes.
"Why did you tell everyone about me?" you whispered the question that had been on your mind since the moment you watched the video, "They know who I am now - people took pictures of us kissing. Someone followed us!"
Rhea let go of you, looking like she was slowly coming to a horrible realization as you blinked away tears.
"No. No, no that wasn't... That can't be why- I never meant-"
You had never seen her so at odds with herself.
"I just wish we talked about it together before going public," you clarify, hating to see your girlfriend hurting, "And, yeah, I'm a bit overwhelmed."

"Everything okay?" Dom asked, stepping out of the car as well to check on the both of you, "Who was that? Should we still be going back to the hotel?"
"We didn't get close enough to the hotel the first time around - should still be safe to head there," Rhea said, snapping back into a more decisive role and walking over to the driver's seat.
The word "safe" was starting to feel less and less reassuring every time you heard it. You sighed, then walked to the back of the car with Dom.
Buckling yourselves in next to each other, the two of you locked eyes. He seemed a bit frazzled, so you decided to lighten the mood for everyone's sake.
It was time to wind down.

"How about that joint?" you offer, rummaging around your bag and pulling out one you rolled beforehand with a smile, "We still have a long night ahead of us. That is, if you still want-"
"Yes please!" Dominik blurted, cheeks turning pink when he heard himself, clasping a hand over his mouth.
"He's been looking forward to this for a long time," Rhea teased in her more seductive tone, starting the car, "We both have. Now you two just focus on getting nice and relaxed while Mami gives you both a ride."

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