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"On your feet, slut, and bend over the bed," Rhea ordered, sliding out of her pants and underwear. You felt two pairs of eyes watching your naked form as you stood and bent at the waist, touching your hands to the sheets. Rhea slid onto the bed in front of you, scooting closer just as Dom grabbed your ass and whispered "fuck."
"You can service both of us at once, can't you, slut?" Rhea asked, spreading her legs apart as Dominik grabbed the lube, "Now be a doll and give Mami your mouth."
Wordlessly, you opened up and stuck out your tongue, beaming when you were praised for it.

"Ah!" you moaned in surprise at the firm slap Dom gave your ass before Rhea's wet, pink folds ran into your mouth. Another moan buzzed on your lips just from tasting her - how refreshing it was to indulge in what you so frequently craved.
"Fuck yes," Rhea breathed as you set your tongue to work, a cool, slick feeling greeting you from the other end.
"Let me know if it's too much, perrita," Dom told you, teasing you with his tip.
"That pathetic little thing?" Rhea scoffed at the instruction as you kept going, "I would be surprised if she could even feel it."
An involuntary whimper fell from Dominik's mouth.
"You're right, Mami," he agreed, clutching your hip with one hand as he gauged the best angle to enter you.
Keeping the rhythm you had going with your mouth started taking more and more of your concentration as Dom gradually slid inside you.

Stifling the sounds of your pleasure was the last thing on your mind as Dominik began thrusting, but Rhea certainly didn't seem to mind the moans peppering your lip service.
"Mmm, you can go faster than that, Dom-Dom" she said between soft moans, gripping your hair, "Really give it to her - Mami wants to feel more vibrations from her easy little fucktoy."
"Yes, Mami," he grunted, obediently thrusting faster and a bit harder.
Rhea's moans were soon accompanying your muffled ones as you gripped the sheets, trying to keep your writhing and twitching to a minimum as you neared your orgasm.
"Turn her over," your domme ordered, holding your head in place as she pulled away and smiling at your disappointed face when your tongue reached forward longingly, "Mami wants to enjoy both her collared bitches at once."

Dominik somehow managed to stay inside you, turning you onto your back quickly and resting your legs on his shoulders. Something caught you off guard about the sweet, caring way Dom was looking down at you. His face was flushed, a slight sheen of sweat on his brow from all that the three of you had done so far, and you were cockwarming him at the moment - but the way he smiled and held your gaze was so... gentle.
Unsure how to react, you were thankful when one smooth, swift leg swung over you, blocking Dominik from view for a moment as Rhea straddled your face before lowering herself onto your mouth.
"You don't have to pause on my account," she said, and you heard the soft sound of metal against metal as Rhea presumably held Dom by his collar, "Keep fucking her, pretty boy."

You were enjoying the way your girlfriend tasted and having her ass in your face far too much to be paying attention to what she said; the sudden pleasure you felt as Dom thrust in and out of you once more made you grip Rhea's thighs to keep her close to your mouth. It took a moment for you to realize that the tempo between your legs felt so good, you were matching the rhythm with your mouth.
Whimpering moans punctuated the air.
"That's it, just focus on how good she feels," Rhea cooed as your muffled sounds increased with Dom's rhythm, "Wouldn't you just love to come inside of her?"
"Please, Mami!" he moaned urgently, grabbing your tits as he whimpered, "I'm getting close!"

Even though it hadn't happened yet, being reminded that he could come inside you at any moment - that Rhea could make a mess on your face as well - made you finally give into a wave of pleasure that rapidly swept through you. Every sensation was made sweeter with your release as Dom and Rhea continued their conversation above you.
"You can wait a bit for Mami, can't you?" she replied, her voice making you come just a bit harder before Dominik slowed down a bit and you went into aftershocks, "So we can come at the same time?"
"I'll try," he huffed, keeping a restrained pace.
"What a good little boytoy," Rhea praised between moans of her own, "That's right, keep your eyes on Mami."
"Fuck," he breathed, dripping sweat onto your stomach with every other movement, "Getting close again."
"Just... a little bit... longer," she moaned, and you felt Dominik's thrusts become more erratic, "Fuck... come for Mami, bitch."

The loud moan that began in Dom's throat was cut off by what you could only assume was the two of them kissing as you did your best to swallow the cum that gushed into your mouth, a growing warmth inside you making you raise your hips to savor it.
When both of them had finished, Rhea lifted herself off you and the first thing you saw was her enormous grin.
"How was that for you, babes?" she asked you both, giggling at your surprised moan when Dom pulled out.
"Wow," was all you could say after licking your lips clean, still coming down from being cumdrunk.
"Such a good girl," Rhea praised, making you bite your lip, "Dom-Dom?"
"Maravilloso," he replied, eyes flitting back to you for a second before continuing, "Can we do this more often?"
Taking note of your pleading eyes, Rhea laughed, "Both of my darlings at once, more than once? I could never turn down an offer like that."
Grabbing her panties off the floor, she shimmied into them before getting comfortable on the bed and opening her arms invitingly.
"Now c'mere!"

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