Get Your Motor Running

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"Where to?" you ask Rhea, starting the car as her hand moved to your thigh.
"How about we drive around for a while?" she suggested, turning on the music with her free hand before you could say anything verbally. You nod, starting to make a list in your mind of scenic places you could drive past while you pulled out of the parking lot.
The moment you start driving in a less crowded area, the volume is turned up in your periphery before Rhea's hand starts rubbing your thigh. She leans over, kissing down your neck.
"Rhe, what're you-?" you want to look over at her, but you can't without putting the both of you in danger.
"Shhh," she says just loud enough for you to hear as she puts a finger over your mouth, "Focus on driving. Let Mami use her good girl."

Doing your best to focus and stay on mostly empty roads, you have no attention left to even try to muffle your noises as she touches you. Clever, making sure the music was louder, you think, crying out as she sinks her teeth into your neck. The sharp pain distracts you enough that you don't notice Rhea undoing your pants until you feel her hand press against the growing wet spot soaking through your panties. The way you squirm as she moves her hand makes her stop before bringing her lips to your ear.
"Fuck it," she growls, "Pull over somewhere no one will see us."
"Yes, Mami," you reply, eager to focus entirely on Rhea and whatever she wanted to do with you.
Her hand still pressing against the outside of your panties - motionless as you ache for more - you desperately look for a vacant lot or alleyway or anywhere really.

An abandoned gas station catches your eye and you turn into it, parking in the most secluded area. The second you take the key out of the ignition, Rhea starts to move her hand again, pulling you in roughly for a deep kiss as you moan. Biting your lip hard, she pulls her hand away briefly to sneak her fingers underneath your panties before moving her hand agonizingly slowly.
"Remind me to make you wear a skirt more often," she pulls away to tell you, "I need easy access to my good little slut."
"Yes, Mami," you moan, trying to grind against her hand only to have her pull away.
"Pants and underwear down," she orders, unbuckling you and then herself.
Reclining your chair to give yourself more room, you do as you're told, immediately rewarded with Rhea's touch.

"You're so pretty when you want me," she says, watching as you whimper and impatiently grind against her hand again. Bringing her other hand close to your face, she sets two fingers on your bottom lip.
"Suck," she demands, chuckling as you quickly take her fingers in your mouth, bobbing your head once your lips close around her.
Rhea starts rubbing her hand against you steadily faster, making you moan around her fingers as your pleasure builds. She pulled her fingers out of your mouth and slowly slid them inside you - one, then both. Beginning to grip the seat tightly, you wince when a pain shoots through your hand, but your moans never stop.
"I'm getting close," you whine, doing your best to hold off.
"Tell me whose slut you are," Rhea says, not slowing down at all.
"I'm your slut, Mami," you moan.
"Good girl. Come for me," she ordered.

Those words, giving you permission to let go, also pushed you over the edge. Once the pitch of your cries heralded the beginning of an orgasm, Rhea replaced one hand with her mouth, relentlessly licking and sucking. The convulsions of your body that moved you against her mouth were soon held down by her free hand. Without much room to move, you squirmed as the intensity of the pleasure tore through you. Soon after you came, the movement from her hand and mouth became faster as she took advantage of how sensitive you were.
"Mami!" you cry out, unable to control the twitching and jerking of your overstimulated body. Humming around you, Rhea flicks her tongue one last time before pulling back her mouth and slowing down. Fingers still inside you, she grabs you by the hair, no longer needing to hold you down. Pulled forward in a daze, your muscles clench around Rhea's fingers as her teeth find another untouched patch of your neck to bite. You felt her smiling at the noises you made as she sucked on your skin and moved her fingertips inside you.
"So good," she pulled back to whisper in your ear, "And all mine."

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